
What black Nissan is she talking about? There's a black Passat with missing glass in the rear window.

It looks like the foxbody hit that sign. Did it?

5-door. Do people actually read these articles?

Wheelbase looks the same, too. Even has slightly more overhang in the front than in the rear.

I wanna say it's a Yaris. First thing to come to mind.

The Fit was allowing the other car space to pass a cyclist. I'd say he's justified for being where he was. It's all the rider's error.

"police cited the driver for putting her in the back without a carseat."

I think we broke it.

If they don't say "Porsh."

Whatever it is, its name is Hobbes.

Am I the only one who really wishes she fell into the hatch and then it closed?

But since the wheels are bigger, it goes faster. This is all for performance. Like 2.5 on the quarter mile.

Would have taken far less time to get the car off the trailer than to stop a train... just saying.

I was wondering why there was no passenger airbag, but that's because the passenger made it into a jumpsuit apparently.

Horribly ironic? You mean hipsters did it?

I came here to make a Princess Di comment, and you beat me to it.

I dunno. People usually stop even when someone just goes into the grass without hitting anything. Seems like checking up on the guy is the least you could do after hitting him.

What a douche at 5:07. And then he just keeps going.

Well yeah, but whatever. This is just one of the random facts I feel obligated to bring up at every opportunity.

Doesn't matter. A desert is just an area with very little precipitation. When you see videos or pictures of snow blowing around at either pole, that's just old snow getting picked up by the wind. It doesn't really melt, so it just does that.