
Antarctica isn't "basically" a desert. It literally IS a desert- And it's bigger than the Sahara. You were all lied to back in elementary school. The Antarctic Desert is really the biggest in the world. The Sahara actually comes in third, because the north pole is home to the Arctic Desert. Of course, the two polar

I'm gonna say Indonesia. First one to pop into my head where you need an amphibious car if you don't want to rely on ferries, which I'd say is cheating.

Or on any roadtrip in the US, really. I usually skip U after I fall asleep waiting. Only got it twice, with one Uplander and one Unimog that came out of nowhere and was awesome.

Dammit, we already have the Nissan Quest and stuff. Give me something with a U so I don't have to spend hours waiting for a Chevy Uplander every time I play the alphabet game with cars...

It's arguable. But either way, the Dodge Caravan is widely accepted as the first successful minivan and one of the most influential cars ever since it pretty much defined the entire minivan genre. And it was designed by the same people who designed the Carousel, only 12 years later after they had been laid off and the

Small passenger van. Different from a minivan.

Where is the Ford Carousel on this list?? The REAL first minivan (if you don't count the VW Microbus. Never really occurred to me that that's essentially a minivan.) and the only one that actually looks really really awesome.

This is really hard. So far, this is all I can find with the same-ish side windows. It doesn't feel quite right, but it does match up decently...

Didn't a motorcycle make it from Japan to the US after the tsunami? Seems much easier for this thing to get dragged over to China from Japan. So that's my bet.

The point is that the witness is more concerned that her kids can't play in the nice weather than that somebody died.

I'm going to runt over your ask, Burner.

There's no such thing as too far. It's "too much, but not enough" that looks bad. I have an urge to attach a couple fake reindeer to the front of my (conveniently red) car and then wrap the whole thing in tinsel and lights and whatnot. At that point, it's so overkill that it's cool.

This is something I thought of a while ago and if you have any idea how to make it actually happen, DO IT. Nothing sucks more than turning onto a street, going for miles without seeing what the limit is, and then getting pulled over or finding out you were going 10 under or something. So why not put the limit with the

I thought "Sign and Drive" was a Volkswagen thing.

Front wheels are supposed to be turned to roll toward the curb. The way it is now, it would swing wide into traffic and the back wheels wouldn't hit the curb at wide enough of an angle to hold it still.

The Civic has his wheels facing the wrong way, too. This should teach both of them the proper method.

Dune buggies are more like this. That's a sand rail.

How did he know there were wreaths in the back seat and that didn't clue him in that it isn't his car?

Exactly. It would be one thing if there wasn't so much wasted space, in the best parking space too.

There's a Mexican restaurant near me where a guy with a scooter works. Every single day, he parks in the closest parking space. Instead of, you know, next to the building, on the sidewalk, anywhere that a moped can legally go... So that space is always off-limits to the customers in cars which can't park on the