
I've seen this already.

I've seen this already.

xD If someone does steal it, I won't be too fazed... Unless it works perfectly and I never think of anything else.

Whoa... Actually, if somebody did exactly what I said with an original Beetle, then just called the piece "The People's Car," I would be willing to bet it really would go over well. Hmmm.....

Paint it entirely white. Windows, tires, everything. Just bright white. Then leave it in a room full of Sharpies and tell visitors to sign it. Then call it art and sell it to buy a working one.

I'll take the Vanquish if they don't want it.... Just scrub it down and tow it to random parking lots and pretend I drove it.

Do they have to be on the roof, or does the trunk lid work? #firstworldproblems #ihaveaconvertible

It's not much, but I gave him $5. I hope he loves his car.

I assume the Stig is her mother?

You know, "avoid" is a really poor word choice. Should be "pass." "Avoid" makes it sound like she drove on the sidewalk in order to not crash into a school bus, which would have been a good thing to do..

Shame they banned BTK. That's legitimately the most terrifying thing ever to come out of Kansas. So... Actually, I agree with that one.

I like how they banned 42O, but not 420.

Couldn't Bowden just say that his injury was a "false alarm" in order to get a lighter punishment? Or is it too late?

Even F1 teams are better than this. And that's saying something.

Even if it was just a rusty Tercel or something, that sound makes me cringe.

I love you for the Portlandia reference. :D

Georgia could make a case for plenty of normal cars, too, but I'm more than happy to have the General Lee representing me. Have a sense of humor.

My thoughts exactly.

WOW. What are the chances?

That's exactly as impressive as $kay's windmill/dog car a while back. If my original comment was more relevant, I would totally nominate this for COTD.