
I hate to generalize, but there is NO CHANCE someone like Lehman could possibly be comfortable dating a transsexual person. So she's just naturally ugly. :P

Then he'll be beating up toddlers! D:

I had a very vague instructor while getting my license. This was only last November, actually. See, I live right outside Atlanta, Georgia, but I went to Athens to take the test because the wait there is so much shorter, the drive cancels out with time to spare. Anyway, it was a new town for me, as the instructor could

I have no idea what to say to this, but someone should replace Lehman's rims with mismatched donuts so it doesn't happen again.

Good point. I wonder...

Not necessarily. I'll admit I'm stumped as to what else that could be, but it's too blurry to jump to conclusions. For all we know it could be a sticker, or duct tape holding on the mirror or something.

Yeah, and the rear side reflector is much closer to the tire (as in the picture) than any other car that looks remotely similar.

Okay, it is most definitely a Grand Am. The C pillars are much wider and would appear thin with motion blur, while the A pillar could easily appear black.

Actually, it is most likely a Grand Am. The C pillars are much wider and would appear thin with motion blur, while the A pillar could easily appear black.

My first thought, too.

Judging by the Honda Odyssey in the background, and using the road lines for perspective, I'd say it's roughly 200 inches, give or take.

Looks more like an early Grand Am than a Lumina. The edges seem a bit more boxy, and the lights are more fitting.

Yeah, it's awesome. :D I still stand by the idea I had of a website for police forces around the world to post pictures of any unidentified evidence. Somewhere, somebody will know what it is. There are people who can determine a specific type of gun from looking at a shell found at the scene or something, people who

It's only two recently. There have actually been A LOT of these before. And we have a 100% accuracy rate from what I've seen.

I'll admit he had some sympathy from me and I wouldn't hold it against him... Until he hit the SUV. Now I hate him.

Ahh, okay. I still don't think so, but I suppose it's possible.

How could this possibly be fake?

I'll start. I think I have about four bucks at the moment.

If by Shawn you mean Bryce, then yes.

First the Saabs and now this, and I have never even owned one car...