
You must be the kind of person who will have a straight face at your mom's funeral. You seem to have no concept of the value of life, and the fact that when you take it away you can never give it back. Killing someone as a precaution is positively ludicrous. If he ever crashes in such a way that someone else dies,

Have you heard of this thing called "change"? Yeah, people tend to not remain exactly the same their whole lives. This guy/girl will likely not be speeding anymore, considering his/her bike is kind of impounded.

Most did. Some just took a while, and one asshole didn't stop at all. But other than that, it looks like they all did it.

Worse is that they even have control over it in foreign countries, to an extent. I'm going on a school trip to Germany, which has a drinking age of 16. I'll be 18. However, if I have anything alcoholic (and get caught), my teacher will be fired and arrested, even though no laws were actually broken.

I wish I could be home for these questions....

I put this in tips at least a month ago. :P Do you guys not check there often?

Suzuki Grand Vitara. Noted. If I'm ever in the market for a small SUV that can take a pretty huge beating, I want one.

I thought the worst way was just throwing it. But okay.

#2 is the WORST. That said, I've only ever been a spectator so I can't vouch for any of the things that piss the owners off (though I can imagine them, and they suck). I just remember this one time when I was little, my dad bought me a disposable camera to take to a drag race. Before it started, I noticed a pink Nova

It's nothing new and it's very relevant. Remember Tyler Shipman, for example?

Ah, I don't blame you. I was pretty shocked that it wasn't the first answer.

Toyota Previa, easily. It must have been inspired by an egg.

Agreed. "Oh my god James is gonna- oh, no, he's okay. Time to laugh at him."

But now it's shaped like a dog's nose moreso than usual, I think.

I can already tell that the hood scoop is hideous.

Well, there's the rest of the Foxbodys.....

Foxbody #2.

I spy a foxbody and a late 90s/early 2000s model. I wonder how many other new-ish ones there are.

If I got to spend a week there, I would without hesitation. There's gotta be enough stuff to build at least ten running cars. I'd focus my attention on that red notchback in the first picture. Mmmm....

When did you go to school, though? I'm currently a junior in high school. I don't ride the bus anymore, but I did three years ago, which I'm guessing is more recent than 90% of Jalopnik readers. In fifth grade, something started leaking on the bus and making the engine steam up, and the driver- who was a total bitch-