
Sickening. How can people possibly think that throwing all those cars away is the best option?

Why is everyone praising the driver so much? Yes, she's the hero of the story, but she's no different from any other bus driver.

OH MY GOD YES!! Best. Announcement. Ever. *bows down to Wert*

Unfortunately, I was never able to make it run.

Lose the wide gap under the hood scoop and ditch the wing, and it actually wouldn't look awful. It would do much better in black or red, though.

That's why you'd need to try to secure it so the weight is distributed evenly.

What about inside the tires? As long as your stash can handle high pressure and being tossed around, and assuming you distribute the weight nicely, there's quite a lot of empty space in there.

Would something like this need to be registered as an Aerostar or a Suburban? If either one is fine, I'll stick a Ferrari under a Honda Civic's VIN plate, so I can save on insurance by just driving a modified Honda Civic. :D

Actually, if you look at the yellow lines on the ferry, I think it might actually be bigger than either of the SUVs over there.

A car.

I like it in a sense that it absolutely sucks and I hate it.

Sorry, 2x4-through-the-windshield-video guy, but your story is no longer the most horrifying.

Uhhh..... I don't like this idea. It would leave a bad taste in my mouth after driving it, because it's just not real. And it wouldn't have RingWerk and whatnot. Half of the appeal of the real 'Ring is all the other things it has to offer. Why not just make a NEW 13-mile track. Or, because this is America, go for a

Banksy made it, so it's automatically amazing.

Remember to take your saw and Bugs.

Escanaba in da Moonlight? :3

Peepee Falls Street.


Nonmetal wheels are quite oldschool.