
If I know my Ikea-ese, I think it means "colored sofa with throw pillows."

Pretty sure that's a Lambo, dude.

And that's me in the Hummer causing all sorts of pain that's never on the screen. :P

Overuse of effects is not just for scene girls on Facebook. And unlike scene girls on Facebook, this thing is beautiful.

So this way, when he inevitably goes for another joyride, he'll be on high alert and speed away as soon as he sees flashing lights. Whereas, with a proper license, there would be a much greater chance he's pull over and no one would die.

Watch the pillars behind the car. It's not perfect right there, and when you see it you will fffffuuuuuuu.

Only three motors? So, one that moves the wheels, one in each wiper, and then I guess there's no option for electronic mirrors/seats/anything?

My guess:

I'm too lazy to read.

That rear wiper is going to be super useful for the cargo one.

I got 1/10, and of course it was the Mustang. But I did only skim over it once without really trying, so....

And here I thought the Foxbody with Thunderbird lights and half-assed bodywork on the way to my grandparents' house was the worst....

I dunno why. I just like rusty Furys. To be fair, I like all Furys.

Yeah, good thing we still have our Studebakers, Oldsmobiles, Pontiacs, Saturns, ... Wait, what do you mean we don't? Well why not? Oh, okay.

So several years ago when they made Y5s, they were specifically intended for the 2013 Viper?

Yes, but not specifically for the Viper. 90% of the cars have wheels which look nothing like their real ones, because they just don't do that.

Well, they could, but Mattel never replicates wheels. All we know is they'll probably look similar, but the ones in the picture aren't exact and could possibly be way off.

I do suggest just blacking out the wheels. They're Hot Wheels Y5s, not the ones that will be on the car.

First one is definitely the front corner of some old American pickup, but I'm drawing a blank on it for some reason. >.<