
Stop "looking on the bright side." Sure that guy's car can still drive, but dozens of people can never drive their cars ever again. Because they're dead. And that's sad. Things can be replaced, and it's good for that guy that most of his Mustang doesn't need to be, but lives cannot. I don't blame him for taking it out

'67 Mercury Cougar. If you disagree, you have no taste.

The storms barely missed my house just outside of Atlanta, but the wind knocked a tree down across a fence and into my street. Some douchebags drove through a guy's yard to get around it instead of taking a 1/8-mile detour.

Wow, they stopped building like two whole cars.

I suppose that's true, but even if it was lower she would have still died most likely. It's a shame how so many people are so eager to sue.

A minivan of any kind, for a serious answer. If I was ever driving a minivan, it would mean that I have kids. So if I was killed in there, at least one of said kids would be killed too, or seriously injured at least, and all of my survivors would need to live without me.

It should be "sues" not "sue." "Family" is singular. It's first-grade knowledge.

Telling people that your mirrors are aligned properly does absolutely nothing to help them.

Congratulations. You know how to use mirrors.

Notice how that white HHR (?) nearly rear-ends the car in front of it after the fact. Obviously not as horrible, but I just thought it was interesting to point out.

I bet the cocky cock in the Jeep expected to accelerate fast enough each time that no one would hit him.

I highly doubt you'll even believe me, but I owned a Cadillac CTS-V last year. Now I have a Hyundai Genesis. This is what happened to the Caddy: I took it to the grocery store entirely on impulse because I was craving some Flamin' Hot Cheetos. When I came out, there were cops standing around it around it and a Mercury

I didn't want an intelligent discussion. :U Go be smart somewhere else. I wanna have my moment.

Rusty Slammington II?

I feel bad for people like the guy in the Suburban. He could have just as easily hit a damn Honda Civic, but it was a Ferrari. Now he owes a bajillion more dollars than he could have for doing EXACTLY the same thing. I say that if people are going to drive expensive cars around, they should be required to take a


The thing that amazes me is these are all normal civilians with no training whatsoever, using their own equipment, some of which is stolen, some of which is bought illegally, and most importantly of all, they're not losing. We sit here, safe in our homes, playing Call of Duty and punching our walls whenever our

When you order your burger well-done, they really take you seriously.

Also, when the wind is that strong it's hard to stay up while moving. He was basically screwed.