
Who in their right mind would sell that car for so cheap when we're going into another gas crisis? Didn't one sell for $11,000 at the height of the last one? I don't care if it ran well or not; someone would buy it for sure.

If it's Block or Pastrana for whatever reason, I will be mad. Those guys reek of douchebaggery.

He could fund that new project by cutting Rusty into little bits and selling them or whatever. I'd buy one.

What's with the flash umbrella thing? That's not in the pictures on Speedhunters. Could it be that that they were taking pictures and the camera or some of its equipment caught on fire?

If it was limited edition, they can always just make another one. Since it never left the factory, that shouldn't be an issue.

:D I just stopped where it says "Fargo" and went straight for the comments.

Whether you like it or not, this was a revolutionary car. I'll miss it. :(

Seeing how that Caravan almost blends in, it would be pretty damn hard to spot a tan Sierra amidst that stuff.

It wasn't hitting anything at first, and the first thing it did destroy was only a bench. As you have ignored numerous times, it was not worth the risk. I had the same thought about a minute in like "Well, what are they doing? I'd run over there and jump in to stop it." But, unlike you, I was quick to realize that

So this is what farmers do when they're bored?

I forgot to mention some other red car that got totaled before we had the Contour. It was a Pontiac but I don't know the model. So we've had five I guess. And a dirt bike.

None of my own yet since I've never gotten around to buying one, but my family has owned a grand total of four. A white Pontiac Sunbird coupe in the early 90s (Not sure what year) and a blue Ford Contour (Same time, also not sure). Then there was a blue Dodge Grand Caravan that we leased until 2005, so technically we

Those strip-ish light things look cool, in my truly honest opinion. They give it character.

Dude, everyone, it's definitely April first.

Do want. So badly.

Same reason we love roller coasters. Danger is exciting.

As an ordinary person, I'd be thinking "Where are my dogs? Where are my photo albums? Where are my small valuables? Where's a safe place to take them all?"

The car horn at the beginning is really ominous. It's like the little car is crying out in pain wondering why its owner left it to die. And then- Nothing.

Agreed. There's a difference between witnessing a crash on the streets and witnessing one at a track. The latter has people who are smarter than you. In the case of the former, however, it's good to help, but only if it's really necessary (If the car is on fire or underwater, etc.).