And believe that if you’re wearing tight jeans, your rapist cannot possibly get them off by himself and therefore you must have helped him and by doing so you consented.
And believe that if you’re wearing tight jeans, your rapist cannot possibly get them off by himself and therefore you must have helped him and by doing so you consented.
You’re over-thinking it. Don’t have kids. Don’t go on a cruise.
Got it. Don’t have kids to save a marriage. Don’t go on a cruise to save a relationship.
HGTV by way of Faulkner is the single best descriptor I've ever read.
New Jersey is just the Florida of the North.
Just this summer, my uncle died. His cremated remains were brought from his state of residence to SC for interment. The graveside service, attended only by family, was held in the middle of the day during that godawful heat wave we had. It was 108 degrees. Three generations of my family stood around in our Sunday…
Okay, so let me preface this with a trigger warning: This story relates to the death-by-firearm-suicide of a young person, and includes some description of his body post-mortem. Just putting that out there for people who find that difficult to deal with.
I went to a funeral for a teenager and the service sheet was written in Comic Sans.
I basically babbled. Something along the lines of, “I’m so glad he has such an open minded and loving family, but I’m not a sex worker and I really only know him from the amazing stories my new coworkers tell me. I’m so sorry for your loss, and I’m sure I would’ve loved him but maybe not that way but maybe that way…
So a week after I started this job, a guy who no longer worked at the publication I worked for died in a car accident. I never met him, and he was a copy editor so it wasn’t like I was familiar in any way with him through what he wrote.
But nevertheless, the EOC said everyone needed to go. So I went. And somehow the…
My brother in law’s father passed away a few years ago. I lived on the East Coast, so I drove up to the small town in Pennsylvania where the funeral took place to support him and my sister.
I am going to keep this one short and sweet.
I am horrified by myself that I did this, but this is by far the most awkward thing that I have ever experienced at a funeral.
lol i actually love him, but if this was a tv show, the level of kara’s vitriol would eventually culminate in them banging and having a tumultuous love affair.
Next week will be Revenge, so while not light, it’ll definitely be cathartic.
i believe that melissa mccarthy couldn’t go because she was doing press for Spy? at least this is what i tell myself to fall asleep at night