Suggestion: Send a correspondent around the US or Canada or whatever to do traveling ghost stories of staying in “haunted” locations.
Suggestion: Send a correspondent around the US or Canada or whatever to do traveling ghost stories of staying in “haunted” locations.
Right up there with “tried to keep fucking”. NEVER WORKS.
I started sobbing in the middle of karaoke-ing Careless Whispers. Then I went home, collected everyone’s pet poop & mailed it to his office.
I love this. I hope you were loudly sob-singing “I want to feel the HEAT with somebody!”
Got dragged out of a bar by my friend after I got shitfaced and started crying uncontrollably. The cause- “I Wanna Dance With Somebody” came on and I JUST WANTED TO DANCE WITH SOMEBODY WHO LOVES ME.
This is a really great story and I’mma let you finish, but the image of a drugged-up girl laying intubated in the ICU writing “Beyoncé?” desperately on a piece of paper for a confused, pitying nurse is the funniest fucking image of all time.
I went to prom with the first guy I ever slept with. I was going to wear a dress I’d bought for another event so I told him he could wear whatever suit he had. I realized this was a mistake when he showed up in frayed corduroy pants with a miss-matched corduroy jacket, and also in Berkenstocks, looking like an English…
I screamed “Fuck you! I’m moving to France!”
My only serious college boyfriend and I were both huge stoners and our relationship mostly revolved around smoking out of his giant, beloved two-foot decorative purple bong named “The Mystery Machine,” having sex and playing Super Smash Bros. Melee. He was in the Army ROTC had to enter the service after college. Since…
Tried to stay friends.
I was going through a very ugly divorce. My husband cheated multiple times and eventually moved out. While this was going on, I had to change the locks on the doors to my house due to a burglary, and didn’t tell him. One day, he stopped by to get something from the house and couldn’t get in. He flew into a rage and…
Craziest thing I’ve done after a breakup? Gained 40 lbs, had sex once and a mental breakdown twice.
Stopped dating... after the last highly manipulative cheating sack. I was in my mid-thirties. I am now 56. AND very happily single.
When I found out my long term boyfriend had a new girlfriend, while we were still living together, I walked to the nearest travel agent and booked a flight to Europe, got an express passport and then quit my job. I was outta there in under two weeks.
I fold in on myself when I go through a bad break-up. No drama, no public displays of emotion, just balling up in tears quietly at home. When my high school/college boyfriend of almost four years and I broke up, I was mostly fine - it was time and I was ready for it to end as well. That is, until I saw him talking to…