
"She believed that her family was deceased but she hoped they were just sleeping," said White.

If people stop using the word "foodie", how are we gonna know which people to hate?

I need this dress. Like, right now. This dress makes me want to get off my ass and go out for New Years.

I have absolutely no reason to buy and no where to go in the that sequined dress...and yet, I think I might have to by it. You never know when you're going to to need an LSD (little sequined dress).

Yes, I can with this!

I want to wear this dress and pretend to be a mermaid. Just like, around my house.

Thank you. I'm certainly not proud of it, but in hindsight it is pretty funny.


after drinking too many large French 75s that were mostly gin, I convinced myself I had accidentally dropped my only expensive piece of jewelry -a gorgeous Tibetan silver ring with two intricate ram heads in it- down a friend's toilet. Spoiler: I had taken the ring off at home and forgotten to put it back on.

Hmm...in my experience, fivesomes are like student group projects - two or three people do all of the good work, while the rest do a little busy work and then grow bored or lazy and later brag to their friends about feats they never did.

Now I'm just imagining someone high on coke yelling "let's make some fucking sandwiches!"

In my small town the thing to do on New Years when you were a teen was to go to the skating rink and take part in a "Lock-In", where they lock the doors and you skate and "party" all night (which meant 1am).

And now your screen name is explained.

My birthday is in late December, and the festivities for my 21st got a little out of hand. The end result of this was that I ended up with a black eye, and subsequently with a new drivers license picture featuring said black eye, since my license expired on my birthday, and the nice lady at the DMV wouldn't let me

Let the one among us who has not also done this be the first to rebuke you.

The worse thing I've done on New Year's Eve is eat an entire jar of spicy cheese dip (Tositos queso). I'm about to open a jar so it looks like that is my new (terrible) tradition.

sneaking piña coladas in Puerto Rico while being filmed as a teenager for a reality show

When I was in high school I had knee surgery on December 26 and the combination of immobility and hydrocodone made me super constipated and my mom had to give me an enema. At age 18. Worst NYE of my life.