
The last straw for me once was a guy telling me that he didn't think the Space Program was important. There were a bunch of other things (he wasn't actually living in the same city as me and he compared me to a 'sexy harry potter' because I have glasses — why not Hermione!?!), but that one sticks out.

I was oppressing him by not allowing him to express himself via his cologne choice.

I had a guy who had a remarkably similar proposal, but we were in first grade. But then I found out that he asked another girl too, and the magic was just gone.

He threw it in the garbage? He threw it in the garbage?HE THREW IT IN THE MOTHERFUCKING GARBAGE?!? Fuck that sack of shit. I hope your friend ran away screaming into the arms of the nearest decently polite person.

aaaaah BOOTSTRAPS!!! My boyfriend and I are both progressive liberal- but we have a running joke that the dog is a libertarian. We got her through a rescue group who took her in with her 8 pups. The joke is that she believes she did all the hard work herself, got off the streets, kids all in good homes, she paid her

A firm handshake!!! A weak, dead fish handshake is one of the least attractive things on earth. The last time I experienced one, I think I actually grimaced.

Hey hey hey. It's a damn fine book. Award winning and all, with two great female lead characters.

I once got into an argument with a guy I was making out with. At one point, I told him to fuck off, and he said "Oh, that's very ladylike!" At that point, I stopped, turned around, and said, "LADYLIKE IS NOT AN ARGUMENT, MOTHERFUCKER!"

My boyfriend is a libertarian who thinks Ayn Rand had some nifty ideas. I am a far left progressive liberal who hates Ayn Rand with a deep, deep passion. He likes to send me articles about Rand's outspoken support of abortion rights. I like to apply her philosophies to all areas of his life. For example, he rescued a

Ugh. I cant fucking stand it when men criticize a womans swearing. Once time an ex told me something along those lines. I was talking to my mother on the phone about something I was excited about so naturally I was cursing a blue streak and when I got off I saw my boyfriend was just glaring at me. Then he said

I have significant food issues as well, mostly related to texture. It is not a problem I would wish on anyone, especially since most people simply attribute it to some sort of immaturity or unwillingness to "just try things".

He went to visit his mom in Seattle (about six hours away) and when I called to talk to him, she very sweetly informed me that "He's with his wife, may I take a message?"

I transferred schools in fourth grade and was horribly bullied. This kid, who I'll just refer to as K, was always super nice to me and one of the few people who treated me with respect. He was lanky with a brown bowl cut and big brown eyes, and loved to sketch dragons and recreate the Dreamworks logo. One year for

Step back, y'all. I got this.

As do I! No idea why because I mean, yeah, its kinda trashy but I dunno... biceps? I like to look at mens biceps...?

I fucking hate U2 so I feel you.

I don't think this is a contest. But I vote yours as the best.

I have a weakness for that look. I'm not proud of it.

In college, this really, really nice guy asked me out. Cute, too. He arrived to pick me up and was really charming to my roommates. I was so happy! We walked out to his car to head out for dinner and I saw he had vanity plates that read: "IM MIKE." Boom: crush over. I think it was his lack of creativity that killed

I found out that his mother drove an hour in from the suburbs once a week to clean his bathtub for him.