
idk keep yelling about it on the internet?? that's been my go-to so far and i feel like i am getting traction

"...which meant that, among other things, protocol said she didn't have to kneel before the pope."

I believe I am also highly qualified for these positions, how do I submit my resume


I felt a rise of anger at the Bruce Jenner representation, and thinking of J-Law's forever-destroyed privacy. But what really got me steaming is HOW LITTLE THAT DOG LOOKS LIKE SLEEPING BEAUTY. It's now even more insulting that it took them so long to demonstrate Callie's Gandalf rabbit.

I'll never be 1/100th the badass she is.

and I was just complaining about how I had a hard time waking up this morning...I'm an asshole

That's like docking points from an orgasm because it felt too good.

Just shut up and eat your delicious crab cakes already, Ed. Professional pickers and restaurant-quality blue crabs will mean bigger pieces of crab, yes. Come on, it's a Ruby Tuesday, just be glad they're so good. Clearly he has taken to Yelp because no one else is willing to sit through his lectures on crab anymore.

I'm pretty sure I dated Deniz.

Put that face on a t-shirt and send it to me.

This is actually why I DO believe her. Janice Dickinson has always come off as such a broken human being that only truly terrible things could have made her this way. If Cosby was already a master manipulator by the 80s, I can absolutely see him preying on Janice. Easy.

My first thought was "I believe her." My second thought was "ugh, get ready for the deluge of 'well Janice Dickinson is an infamous self-promoter with a history of addiction and other mental health troubles so is she REALLY the most credible person? She's probably just trying to capitalize on Cosby-rape-mania to get


Sooooo, he proved that people on Jezebel are decent human beings. Wow. Score one for the MRA team... amirite.

I am depleted after reading that, so the thought of you living it just fills me with utter despair.

I got nothing at all to offer except a huge, loving internet hug for you Kat.

I need to borrow Jason Sudeikis' cardigan

...he simply proved something we all already know, the double standard women deal with on a day-to-day basis.

Eww. Just eww. As a JHS teacher, allow me to be very clear: if a student shows any kind of inappropriate interest (and sometimes they do), YOU BE THE ADULT. You tell them it is not appropriate. You arrange for the two of you to never be alone in the same space. You let your department head/supervisor/administrators