“Some dude walked into a gun show in TX and bought an AR-15 in an hour with an ID and no background check.”
“Some dude walked into a gun show in TX and bought an AR-15 in an hour with an ID and no background check.”
I’m not sure how stricter gun control would have prevented this latest shooting. The kid didn’t buy the guns (he took them from his dad) and he didn’t use an assault rifle.
Forgive me for not feeling bad about people that think it’s ok to throw acid at girls for the grievous sin of going to school. The Taliban can get fucked. No great loss if they cease to exist.
Oh FFS...
It’s not about “breaking a fence,” it’s about attempting to illegally enter the sovereign territory of another country.
Uh, they weren’t just marching around on the Gaza side of the border. They were actively trying to pull apart sections of the fence.
I know. It’s also amazing that they’re all so eager to accept Hamas’ word that all the “victims” were unarmed. Since Hamas has since admitted that the vast majority of those that were killed were its members, I sincerely doubt they were all unarmed.
I mean, if violence isn’t being committed with guns, it doesn’t count for them. See French/British knife attacks, Boston Marathon, Hamburg terror attacks, et al.
Jesus, why don’t you Liberals just admit you love Hamas.
The number of liberals that supports Hamas is kind of amazing.
Hamas uses human shields all the time. Google “UN Hamas Human Shields” and you’ll find plenty of evidence for it.
are you really that delusional? Did you not see the fire bombs, rocks, kites with bombs, actual bombs, burning hundreds of tires, etc? Hamas’ stated intention is to infiltrate the border, go to towns and murder jews. When someone says they are coming to your house to murder you and your family you don’t sit around…
I don’t think it’s that deep and complex a matter, historically, until you get to the formation of Hamas and the cryptofascist actions of the USA during the 1970's and 80's in their weird Middle East shadow wars. Then it gets downright confusing.
“worse than apartheid”. Interesting since you can’t make the apartheid claim with any validity you’ve moved on to it being WORSE...... while ignoring that a terrorist organization who called for these marches INTO Israel to kill jews.
Not a “greytroll”, I’m just someone who disagrees with you on the facts (for fuck’s sake, DISAGREEMENT IS NOT TROLLING). You may disagree on what constitutes “joining the axis”, but I don’t think it’s a stretch to say that having your leader join the Waffen SS serving in other theaters of the war, conducting joint…
It’s a militarized border. If you charge a militarized border, you get shot. This has always been true of every militarized border. It’s like jumping into a lion’s pen at the zoo and blaming the lion when you get mauled to death.
Israel is the only functional democracy in the Middle East, as 1.6 million Palestinian citizens, and has created a better quality of life for its residents than any other place in that miserable region.
You are missing about one million details.
That’s what’s been happening in Jerusalem and the West Bank. No one wants Gaza. Israel’s offered it to Egypt, who told them to fuck right off.