Raging Bulldog Jr.

Why do you have to insult people for having a hobby they enjoy?

Because my locked in the safe firearms have killed so many children. See, that’s the problem. Maybe gun owners wouldn’t have to go to the extremes as the NRA if they didn’t have anti gun people like you inferring that they are the reasons that kids are killed. It’s a fallacy and you know it.

The ability to provide for one’s self defense against direct bodily harm from an aggressor is possibly the only indicator of liberty that actually matters on a personal level. If you have to depend on someone else to protect you, how free are you really? Especially when those that are saying they guarantee your safety

I was forced to drown a home invader in my swimming pool last year.

That’s not actually correct. They can’t spend government funds on advocating gun control, as your article says. They’re allowed to research gun violence all they want so long as they aren’t predisposed to implementing gun control as being the solution. Given that most of the people researching gun violence tend to

No, they just refuse to do the things you want them to do, because they believe that those things won’t work. This is a problem of methodology in addressing the underlying causes of violence, not which guns look scarier and how they go bang.

The CDC’s own numbers estimated 500,000 defensive gun uses per year at the minimum, with a maximum of over 2.5 million per year. That far eclipses any mishaps.

The fact that something hasn’t happened to you personally does not negate its existence, does not invalidate the experiences of others, and is not evidence that it will never happen to you.

There’s a fine line between paranoia and preparation. Are you paranoid if you take a CPR class? Have a fire extinguisher? A spare tire? Or are you prepared for an unlikely but potentially life changing event? Obviously there’s a cost-benefit ratio involved in be prepared for anything. For example, you’re probably not

I don’t get the obsession of wondering what the penis size of gun owners is.

The only people who want innocents and children shot are the people going out and shooting innocents and children. The rest of us just differ on what measures we think will and won’t be effective, and whether giving up liberty for the promise of safety is worth it.

I know lots of people that collect guns because they think they’re cool and fun to shoot at the range. None of them think they’ll ever use them to protect anyone or that there are a bunch of people out to get them. This is a gross over generalization. I’ll probably never own a gun because they’re not my thing but many

For a socialist revolutionary who ends every other piece with a threat of overthrowing the rich, one would think you would like guns more.

Tell that to Mrs. O’Leary’s cow.

The game of Lava, Mustang, Crowds is a lot like Rock, Paper, Scissors.

And R2D2 just stood there doing NOTHING

If we actually see a nuclear free Korean peninsula and open borders between the two nations? yeah. I’ll admit Trump has earnes a Nobel prize far more than Obama did. Im not holding my breath as we have been down this road twice before.

To be fair Obama won a peace prize for literally not being george w bush (and nothing else) so it’s not like the bar is super high here

Frankly, they should revoke his drivers license. Maybe charge him with depraved indifference- but I think someone has to get hurt first for that...