This is a gross and pathetic article. Really a far reach here. If this is the case, then all Muslims are terrorist and all white people are white supremacist etc. etc.
This is a gross and pathetic article. Really a far reach here. If this is the case, then all Muslims are terrorist and all white people are white supremacist etc. etc.
Are you a Saudi oil baron?
It would immediately fall from the sky and explode.
The sandwiches are solid, but they use breast meat and just about every fast food establishment offers a solid chicken sandwich option. It’s a supply issue.
Ah yes those horrible bullies surrounded states that want to wipe them from the face of the earth (and have tried multiple times). How utterly awful of them I guess. I gotta admit though, Hamas is really good at the PR manipulation, since it keeps fooling idiots into thinking that this is a one-sided conflict.
I’m far more concerned about that cartoonish caricature of World War II. The face paint, the ridiculous outfits that are far from the standard uniform, the trailer was just utter visual chaos. I vastly preferred the first trailer for Battlefield 1 that made everything feel gritty and real. You know, like one of the…
it’s spelled thicc
Its just the angle its at. that being said these things are HUGE when you actually see them. They are literally like double the size/mass of an F16. We have had them (f22/f35) fly in our airshow here locally, with an f18 super hornet and a P51-d last year. The size difference between the f22 and the f18 was comparable…
If you’re trying to show Lebanon and friends that you can just show up unannounced, you’re probably not going to ask first
I think... Israel did. What are they going to do about it? When you’ve got the biggest guns and the biggest balls, you can do what you want.
So to understand how much of a dickish move this is, diplomatically, it’s a bit like if the United States flew an F-22 Raptor over Pyongyang just to show that it could.
No the first amendment does not, but local laws often classify throwing things on someone as assault. Or disorderly conduct. Maybe you should try debating with someone rather than resorting to physical violence because you don’t agree with their politics.
I know. That’s why the water throwing was beyond unnecessary.
I’m sure deep down you wish that person had thrown a molotov cocktail at her face. Just the overall vibe I get from “The Root.”
Two wrongs don’t make a right. Yeah, she sucks, so criticize her words, not her looks. Don’t throw things at people. Everyone needs to grow up.
Strange how people cannot have a civil conversation on opposing views. Sad those on this site applauded the person throwing water on Tomi. If the roles were reversed, would it be OK for Tomi to throw water on person she disagreed with? NO, the left would riot and boycott.
Nope. Sorry. Not getting behind this even a little bit.
I think it’s disappointing that now it is not only acceptable but also celebrated when a random stranger throws a drink at another person strictly because of a difference of political opinions. #keepinitclassyminneapolis
Imagine if this happened to any liberal media schmuck. The cries of racism would go on for decades. The racism and hypocrisy of the left is astounding. Guess this is just another of their demonstrations of “peace, love, and tolerance”. The author of this article is doing such a great job at promoting these feelings…
Harassment and hate is not cool.