Raging Bulldog Jr.

This was a foreseeable outcome of building a water park using scientists obtained in Operation Paperclip.

Anytime you give one kid a privilege that another one does not get, earned or not, you bring in the screaming parents threatening to sue because little Johnny got treated differently from the other precious little snowflakes. Then the racial or sexism accusations fly and people start counting how many white kids got

Kids these days. Back in my day

If you’re not doing anything with it, can I have it?

Sounds like it is representative of those who cared enough to vote

Seems like people couldn’t be bothered to vote against this guy.

I don’t live in that district: it is none of my business who they vote for or whether they vote at all or not. Seems like people couldn’t be bothered to vote against this guy.

I don’t think you understand how nerves work.

I do not understand these people who think that a chief executive gig is an appropriate first step into government.


I used to wear an orange shirt to work on this date but a friend pointed out, people will think you’re a Protestant. So I changed to wearing a shirt with the Union Jack front and back to make the point that, “No, not everyone is Irish on this day”.

Why do some people believe that gun control = no guns?

I dunno. I think the whole framing of “white privilege” is kind of a nonstarter. for one thing, it lumps all 175-200 million white people together, regardless of their background, which is the very thing that it is trying to address. It ignores class, or the fact that you can be technically well off and still be

It’s a “rip off” because everyone loves to hate Taylor Swift, as if she even came up with the idea for this music video herself (and was the Kenzo commercial big enough that we can even reasonably assume she saw it?).

On 395*, not the 395. We’re on the east coast.

I thought it didn’t change until you pull it out of gear. You can do it before you take it out so you can focus on the rev matching.

It may be hard to change the mind of a bigot and you may never be able to convince someone that they are wrong. So, I agree with you here.

And there-in lies the problem, so clearly demonstrated by the posts here. Free speech and debate are dead. Why challenge those you disagree with, when it’s so much easier to try and ban them and maintain your ‘safe place’. Of course someone will label me a troll from the right, which will prove my point.

I agree that it is poor that a writer used a source that was fake and the opinion piece is meh.