Raging Bulldog Jr.

Gary Oldman went to court. The allegations and their credibility were weighed against his. He won. Now that decision may have been wrong, but the court knows far more information about Gary Oldam and Firentino’s relationship than any of us.

I don’t think that presumption of innocence is something that factors into a lot of these accusations given how easy it is for people in power to avoid having said accusations actually taken seriously and investigated.

I do know he used to be a raging alcoholic back then and since he sobered up changed his life completely. But yes he used to be an asshole. He is still an amazing actor and it was well deserved.

You mean like Peter Parker? (To the first part.)

So what? You’re still basically reading (and potentially paying for) fanfic. How is that any different to conservatives jacking off every time Kelly Anne Conway goes on the air?

Name calling is literally all you have to offer.

It’s their job. Inside a building at those engagement distances, an AR-15 is a pretty poor implement...a semi auto pistol is more advantageous.

We’ve been in Afghanistan 17 years now...

Our military isn’t as effective as you think it is, and it will be less so when ordered to turn on family and friends.

when the first amendment was written computers and phones were not even a thought in any ones mind.


These kids, who certainly deserve sympathy, should not be given an authoritative position on gun rights. Their tragedy does not make them experts. When they stand across from Rubio and tell him he’s just like staring at a killer, or call the NRA lady a murderer unfit to care for her own children, they’re displaying

“The fight to finally bring about sensible gun control”I would like to hear your ideas of what this would be. But hat is something for another time. First off I would like to state that I don’t necessarily agree with the NRA’s recent positions nor do I think the direction Wayne LaPierre has taken it to be good or

I’ll admit I get uneasy when the conversation seems to be about ways to limit the free expression of ideas - even ideas I consider repugnant - because I think that is fundamental to democracy. Less “tell your provider you want the Game Show Network” and more “tell your local station to not carry Wheel of Fortune

Of course I know how it works. It’s the one that constitutionally establishes Taco Tuesday!

They have a right to say stupid shit. You have a right to say other shit.

Nope. I despise the NRA and all that it has come to stand for but this will accomplish nothing but setting a dangerous precedent. For decades conservatives and evangelicals used phrases like “family friendly content” and “community standards” to pressure private companies away from hosting or distributing queer-themed

I’m sorry but no matter how much I hate content I am never going to support an ISP refusing to include it based on that content. The precedent you set with such a thing is that it’s ok to silence whatever the right people find unappealing. If Amazon or Roku or anyone else wants to stop carrying this content because

This is wrong, and I’m surprised journalists would advocate censorship. I’m not pro-NRA, but I understand the important protections granted in our constitution. Unpopular ideas - even reprehensible ideas - should be stifled only by a lack of audience. When you create an avenue for free speech to be silenced, you lose

TYT offends me, that doesn’t mean im going to call up YouTube and demand they remove there content. Im not defending the channel, I am standing up against censorship.