I’m not sure you understand a pyramid scheme.
I’m not sure you understand a pyramid scheme.
The data you presented doesn’t support your headline.
Uhhhh what does this have to do with Trump?
Um... yeah... That was Trump what did that.
While the idea of a two-state solution has been preferred by many and would seem to be the logical solution, I have long held the belief that the only way forward that results in long-term peace is a single state solution in which Israelis and Palestinians have equal rights and protection under law. What the Israelis…
Maybe I’m missing something, but why is the “expiration date” a deal breaker to people? Don’t most tax breaks have expiration dates? And then when that date comes around, the current crop of politicians are like “Crap, we’d like to actually get re-elected. Let’s extend these breaks.”
I’m one and I couldn’t be happier that the standard deduction is being doubled. It’s the one item in this bill that no one is talking about and it’s probably the one thing that will directly affect the most people immediately. A lot of us who are Sole-LLCs really make much less than it looks by gross revenue and often…
Your taxes will increase if there isn’t any new tax legislation between now and then, which isn’t super likely. Most likely the tax cuts will either get renewed, or replaced with a whole new reform platform that hopefully isn’t a stinking pile of shit.
“Is there a calculator for people who don’t live permanently in the year 1990 and do actual modern contract work as a sole-proprietor LLC?”
Animals? Sure. Dogs? No. Dogs are better than people. Period.
Dog isn’t dangerous, police handled the situation fine, and the lady, while misguided, should not in any way be receiving death threats.
Honestly, if we ever reached a true “Dark Ages”-style apocalypse, where all money is no longer of value and electricity goes kaputt, Bitcoin and all other cryptocurrencies are likely to end up equally useless—a bunch of bits stored on hard drives are of little value when you don’t have the sophisticated infrastructure…
The government prints $560 million a day....the dollar is guaranteed to collapse.
As we are constantly reminded, a professor and a student have a deep power imbalance. Telling a student to grow a thicker skin when a member of the faculty at a university she is paying to attend, behaves in such a manner, it is not wrong to suggest that she is perfectly right to feel that it has a greater impact on…
It’s not a fascist group and free market economies are antithetical to fascism as fascism entails government direction of production (although still private ownership). Whether or not you hate them, they aren’t fascist because fascism has a meaning and that meaning literally doesn’t align with their espoused…
This judge doesn’t actually seem awful. He was a long time Senate Judiciary staffer (yes for the majority) but that means he’s been around the block and should understand the law. This case is actually bizarre because you do have two competing statutes, despite the talking points that are trending. It seems like the…
Could someone answer a very specific question for me? How does rolling back the 2015 regulations also roll back/negate/block whatever laws/regulations/legal mechanism(s) were used in 2005 to stop the ISP in North Carolina from blocking Vonage?
You make good points that I am sympathetic to (and I appreciate the candor considering my dissenting opinion). But similiar to your point of how different the landscape is since 2005, the FCC itslef was created to enforce the law, mainly the Federal Communications Act, the 1934 law whose telephonic provisions were…
“I can’t say I haven’t done that. I’m very sorry if these women experienced that.”
He only feels terrible because he got caught.
if you pony up for tix, i suggest not paying extra for the meet and greet.