Raging Bulldog Jr.

Well said. I always roll my eyes a bit at this little bit of ignorance among folks who talk about leaving the US, particularly as some form of protest.

They don’t just let people move to Canada willy nilly. A lot of people in the US are under the impression that every other first world country has similar immigration policies to the US and it simply isn’t the case. Almost every other first world country is harder to immigrate to than the US.

Thats the Joint Security Area. Its nice there because both sides have built it up to make their side look good. Go five miles to either side of that area and its dirt roads and mud shacks.

There ARE degrees to this shit, you’re right...and Clinton’s alleged offenses rank among the worst. Lewinsky was bad enough, but Paula Jones and especially Juanita Broaddrick were much, much worse. And there were others.

1. The Senate Ethics Committee is a joke. Franken’s willingness to cooperate is pure political theatre. Don’t buy into it.

I’m not surprised to hear this news.

This is nothing like what you’re talking about because overall, Tesla is still a drop in the proverbial bucket. If Tesla fails on its own, it will be a bad day for the market, and other companies will pick up it’s assets. It’s a bigger risk, but it’s treated as such by institutional investors.

The good news is there’s quite a bit of Lithium on earth to extract that aren’t being tapped.

I imagine battery tech will continue to evolve over the years into some kind of chemistry that uses fewer exotic materials.

Neutral: How Long Will The EV Onslaught Continue?

Here’s some justification:

Actually, no, that’s horrible logic. Anyone saying Franken should resign is saying that Franken’s behavior is bad enough to resign, not that it’s as bad as anyone else’s behavior.

You seem a little tense. Why don’t you do something fun to let off some steam? Like, I don’t know, throw a turkey out of an airplane.

Despite growing up near Yellville, I never attended Turkey Trot because we always shot our own turkey each November. It’s pretty easy really. They just sit there and don’t move much. You just have to wait until you have a clear shot. They’re always grouped together and I never missed.

I’m guessing these were the domesticated variety, which are bred for breast size, not flight ability, in which case, they might as well drop raccoons out of planes.

Actually, the wild ones can and do. They’re also kind of a nuisance, and go marauding around the suburbs like juvenile delinquents.

The one they drove around last night at the Tesla event says otherwise.

To me the truly notable thing about this car is Tesla managed to keep it all but completely secret in this day and age. No leaks, spy shots, or even rumors.

No. I am considering the source- Al Franken- who knew better. He knew better than to force tongue into a stage kiss he knew was making a woman uncomfortable. He knew better than to pantomime groping a woman, no matter what her profession. He wasn’t 12 at the time. You placing the blame on her, her job, and her lack of