I get what you’re saying. But making a claim that carriers haven’t been in “combat” since WWII is like saying a combat-medic hasn’t been in “combat” if they’ve spent their entire time running up/down the beach attending to wounded.
I get what you’re saying. But making a claim that carriers haven’t been in “combat” since WWII is like saying a combat-medic hasn’t been in “combat” if they’ve spent their entire time running up/down the beach attending to wounded.
Quite useful floating airfields. Odd how being a useful floating airfield and not being directly attacked might be connected.
Hard to say.
One conventional missile is not going to sink a carrier, mission kill maybe.
The number of Americans killed if a carrier was sunk would cause the United States to unleash the full power of our nations fury in response. Sinking a carrier, especially one named for a president, is the stupidest thing a nation could do... it’s like Pearl Harbor, if you hit us that hard well just get angry and…
Yeah, it seems like the better argument is that we don’t need twelve, but they are useful as a base of operation whenever we don’t have airport within striking range. Since we haven’t gone to war with anyone who can actually fight back navally, they are useful, just not against a modern military opponent.
Politics? I suppose my opining over this author’s narrative is political. That wasn’t the purpose of my post though. It was more to address that this author excluded the carrier’s contributions to various battles over the past 70+ years.
I didn’t even want to go into the humanitarian missions they, apparently, didn’t contribute anything to since WWII ended... as are part of a Carrier Group’s stated task and purpose. Hey, speaking of task and purpose... this is basically a cut/paste from a taskandpurpose.com article from last week.
Those Navy/Marine pilots who flew over Vietnam must be surprised.
Your definition of “used in battle” is fairly exclusionary of the last 70+ years of carrier history, and their air-wing’s contributions to the Korean, Vietnam, Cold, and Gulf wars... not to mention GWOT. But don’t let that get in the way of your narrative.
Please cite your source for your ridiculous claims of 60+ hour work weeks for 50% industry average wages.
Why can’t this just be another Toy Story style thing where the characters are just living in a Matchbox Car play set or something? Obviously we don’t see the hands of the human overlords, but maybe the cars in the Cars universe aren’t aware?
Miss Fritter... the school bus... is wearing a “crazy collection of her victims’ license plates”.
Cars movies are like Jason Torchinsky articles - you just have to embrace the insanity and ride it out.
“I’m so confused.”
If they believed it was the employer’s responsibility to provide health insurance, then they should have provided it, as in paid for it.
Any modern war still requires a ground presence.
I’ve seen people build better and more flyable model planes than that thing
hahahahaha in theory. There’s a reason we carry gas masks in the tanks. -US tanker
Neat. Is that thing coin-operated?