Raging Bulldog Jr.

TL;DR - Read a different review of the CTS V-sport. This car reviewer doesn’t even own a car.


NYC: Where you have to take a car, or train, to get to your car..

Most of this Chinese crap wouldn’t score a single star in a EuroNCAP test anyway.

In Socialist China, IP is theft

Meanwhile the chinese government is like:

When (and if) the time comes, I sincerely hope people in the US make efforts to boycott stuff like this. Property rights (including IP) are the cornerstone of all advanced modern societies and if they continue to piss on them, they dont deserve to sell high-end goods here. Sorry to get all serious-like.

So California would immediately lose all of its defense contractors because you need to buy American. It would also lose anything that can be produced cheaper elsewhere because it would no longer have free trade within the states. The port of Los Angeles would become about 70% less busy. They would either have to

No pocket square and the second button fastened? It amazes me when men don’t know how to wear suits properly. The rules really aren’t that hard to follow.

Any talk of succession is absolutely ridiculous for the following reasons:

It’s almost like the interior west has been viewed as a resource colony by the coasts and that our political culture is largely a reaction against the perceived power base of the coasts (monopolies in the early 1900's/gov’t today). Almost like if California decided to secede, Colorado (unless they were also part of

Pictured: California 5 years into the water crisis that would ensue if these dumb fucks actually got their way:

but secession worked so well the last time.

I was a teenager. And I had guns. Something like this never once crossed my mind. Using them for anything other than target shooting at a range/ranch never crossed my mind. I’m glad I’m not even able to fathom the mindset that values an innocent human’s life so little.

But I’m sure they’ll have plenty of time to become philosophers in prison over the next few decades.

Jesus Christ. How worthless of a human being do you have to be to want to steal someone else’s hard earned property and then when you are too inept to use it yourself you have to kill an innocent person?

Forgot about Kelly. That makes 4, though my point still stands.

I always had a feeling that even though the Boeing X-32 was a competent competitor its looks in some way intentional or not played a role on why it was not chosen.

Imagine the horror if the X-32 had won the competition:

the best part about the cleveland browns is we all eventually die