Raging Bulldog Jr.

Please dont cite Jez for anything reguarding our military when Tyler’s work doesn’t have the political spin & includes actual facts:

Breaking windows, throwing smoke bombs, and starting fires because you don’t like the words that come out of a guy’s mouth (even when the guy is a patent asshole and a nazi)......is actually being anti-free-speech.

Free speech isn’t just applied to the messages you agree with...it’s a far more important right to

Sort of like how her older brother and her dad, also both American citizens, were executed in a drone strike while Obama was in office?

Why? Is the American flag not good enough for them anymore?

“very reminiscent of Nazi Germany,”Give me a break. This kind of rhetoric is what is actually dividing this country. I seriously doubt the person who said that was anywhere near Nazi Germany during WWII.

Considering where China came from to today, Russia had a great opportunity to progress and do well. Such a waste.

Not throwing a fit and then getting self-congratulatory about it afterwards might be a start. Yiannopoulous would be just another ostensibly nameless writer on the right, like most people writing for Breitbart, or the Gawker network for the left, or any other place. But he lobs controversy, liberals overreact, and

The word Nazi is becoming a lot like the term fake news. The use of each more often than not serves to identify people who aren’t capable of engaging in serious conversations. Milo is a troll and a serious racist, but pretty sure he’s not a Nazi. They didn’t care much for his kind.

You could start by not feeding into him so perfectly with violent protests. This sort of reaction to him coming to a campus isn’t the effect of him gaining national traction, it’s the cause of him gaining national traction.

It definitely has served a purpose. That is to keep another U.S.S.R. from happening. How well it’s done is certainly debatable, but there are plenty of good reasons for NATO and Putin is at the top of the list.

Didn’t we fight a war over state secession? I thought we decided the answer to that already.

Doesn’t mean there won’t be a big bloody war on the path the proving you right though.

What does a military alliance have to do with immigration or racism?

We’ve had this system in place of 200 years, you’re acting like it’s some new development.

I guess you don’t care if Russia invades the Baltic states of Lithuania, Latvia, and Estonia. Just look what Putin is doing in Ukraine. NATO is the only thing possibly stopping Russia from doing that today. With a majority of the citizens in the Baltic states of Russian extraction, these states are ripe for takeover

They’re obligated by treaty to spend 2% of GDP on defense.

An honorable mention goes to what might be Putin’s biggest gamble yet, one that would pay double payout if he gets all numbers plus powerball so to speak:

Why fight your enemies when you can get them to fight amongst themselves?