Raging Bulldog Jr.

They aren’t open bar. It just makes sense.

This ^

This seems weak. Show up and vote no.

You invade a territory, put your troops down there and the make a referendum... Sound 100% legit.
You forgot to mention that. Also, you forgot to mention people disappearing, being killed. All those tiny little things that make what you say total BS.

Lot longer than that. Poland was first partitioned by Prussia, Austria-Hungary, and Russia in the late-1700s. Before that, Poland was a kingdom of its own, and a fairly powerful one, going back to the 800's and incorporating Lithuania. The Ukraine’s history is more complex, starting with the Kievan Rus (Vikings or

So is a mini version of a mega factory just a regular sized factory?

I get it! Snowflakes just woke up from their slumber over the past eight years, in which they couldn’t be bothered to wake up and recognize that the POTUS who has drone bombed more people than any other Nobel Peace Prize winner has perpetuated the same tragic foreign policy as the duly hated previous POTUS. The thing

I believe you’ve never been to Crimea. First, the 2014 census was a Russian one. Do you expect accuracy there? Second, the last valid census was from 2001, 10 years after independence. Now in 1991, there were hardly any Tatars in Crimea. In 2001, they were about 10%, a dramatic change with many Tatars returning to

In a referendum overseen by RUSSIAN forces on RUSSIAN annexation, do you really think it’s gonna be free and fair?

It was already pretty fucked up even before Saudi Arabia started committing war crimes, mind you, thanks to AQAP and Houthi militants. Yemen’s kind of nuts. You want to buy a tank? Because you can do that there if you have the money. Your own private tank. Grenades, bazookas, all manner of guns, and so on have been

In my own opinion, Putin’s end game is to take what he wants but not to take over an entire nation and all of the Geo-political and internal headaches that will come from that.

I think you meant to use the this-is-an-important-foreign-affairs-article word “hegemony”, rather than homogeny. You’ve got powder keg  in there too, so that’s two away from bingo. ;)

The sanctions are working, Putin is feeling the economic pain and putting on a very brave face. I feel for the citizenry of Russia, as the stakes in Putin’s calculus include a second economic and political collapse. Another year or two of sanctions and he’ll have to do something, and compromise is not his MO.

Let’s real talk for a second here. It’s not a nuclear issue or a population one. Realistically speaking, how willing are the UK, Germany, France, etc to elevate to full conflict without US backing? Not to belittle anyone else but the US military is twice the size of the next closest member (Turkey) in headcount

Enjoy your insurgency Vlad.

Look, it only counts as humor if it’s funny

He’d ask about the time machine seeing as “Czechoslovakia” hasn’t existed for years and would have to cross 2 other countrie first!

Poland is a member of NATO, so...

I’m certain the full truth lies somewhere between the Pentagon’s response, and the ex Yemeni minister of agriculture’s. Without more detail (that we’ll never get) I’m not sure we can say “Everything Went Wrong”