These features were chosen because they make rifles look more like actual assault rifles (that can fire full-auto or burst). It had nothing to do with function, which is one of the reasons the AWB had very little effect on actual crime rates.
These features were chosen because they make rifles look more like actual assault rifles (that can fire full-auto or burst). It had nothing to do with function, which is one of the reasons the AWB had very little effect on actual crime rates.
I think the bill in question required you to be on the No-Fly List for at least ten years.
Are there any Dem Senators or Reps that support a full ban on all semi-auto rifles?
Depends on how hard the President is pushing it and if it passed the Senate first.
There are enough moderate Republicans that you don’t need the Freedom Caucus. But Dems will also have to support it even if it isn’t perfect in their eyes.
I think it has a good chance of passing. This has to be an incremental process if it’s going to happen at all.
I think those two measures would have realistically broad support. I could also maybe see implementing some kind of gun-violence restraining order (GVRO), that could be imposed by a judge. A GVRO would likely have prevented Parkland.
Honestly Dinesh D’Souza is not really a popular figure in conservative circles. He’s like Milo, he’s loud and obnoxious, and people notice him. But nobody with any power actually gives a damn what he thinks.
I think most of that group probably shouldn’t be able to purchase a firearm, but it should have included some kind of appeal process just to protect due process.
It really didn’t target mental illness at all. It prevented anyone on disability who has their checks sent to someone else from purchasing firearms, with no ability to repeal. There were a lot of mental disability advocates who were worried it would set a precedent of executive orders restricted the rights of the…
They’re pretty handy for varmint hunting like pigs or coyotes. You don’t want to worry about reloading if you’ve got an angry 500 lb. boar bearing down on you. Alligator hunting is super illegal in most states, so I hope your friends have permits.
That regulation was actually pretty controversial from the start. The ACLU supporting Trump’s decision to overturn it.
That would require more like $300 billion. And what if dad doesn’t want to sell his Glock?
Teaching firearm safety classes to kids is unlikely to have any effect on mass shooting deaths.
Why did Kamala Harris vote no on the King-Rounds bill (the one 46 Dems voted for)?
This is one of the few things I’ve seen mentioned that actually stands a chance. I think other reasonable measures would be 21 minimum for any firearms purchase (in most states it’s 21 for handguns and 18 for long guns), and stricter reporting to the background check database.
Why didn’t Obama push gun control through in 2009/2010?
That’s something like 10 times the estimated cost of The Wall™ (which is a dumb idea anyway).
Adjusted for inflation (I’m assuming those are 1996 US dollars) that would $1146 per gun today. That’s ~$345 billion if I’m doing the math right. Even if you just limited it to AR-15 platform rifles, there are still about 15 million in US private hands. So that’s somewhere around $17 billion.