What gun control legislation would you like to see passed?
What gun control legislation would you like to see passed?
The B-1 really isn’t that much quicker, especially when you consider how much fuel they burn through when they light the afterburners. Realistic cruising speed for both is about 0.8 Mach.
Singapore is an interesting case. Lee Kuan Yew was technically the PM, but he ruled largely as an authoritarian dictator with a puppet parliament for 30 years. He put strict limits on civil liberties, but led Singapore to develop into a largely egalitarian, multicultural, and very prosperous society.
B-52s would only employ standoff nuclear weapons, AKA nuclear cruise missiles. They were pretty damn effective in 1991 when they launched (then secret) GPS-guided conventional cruise missiles during the opening salvos of Desert Storm. They struck communications nodes deep within Iraq, who had one of the densest AA…
It seems like Kumicho is not going to change their mind no matter how much factual information multiple commenters have provided. They’re just going to keep responding “yeah but do you actually believe that...this will end up just like [insert initially problematic development program]”
Once the B-21 is available in decent numbers, the other niche to fill will be a reliable bomb truck. The B-52H fits that perfectly, even better after it gets re-engined (which is part of this acquisition plan). The Buff was just upgraded to carry more smart munitions internally, and it’s still nuclear capable. Don’t…
30+ years of experience with radar-absorbent materials will mean the B-21 won’t be relegated to an air conditioned hangar 90% of the time. We have much improved materials technology. That doesn’t even touch the avionics improvements or better high altitude performance the B-21 will bring.
The B-21 will have much lower maintenance costs. The B-2 is a real hangar queen.
I think that orientation has more aesthetic appeal than the reverse.
Public support for the Dreamers is high, with most polls agreeing about 66% support a path to citizenship. But public support for shutting down the government over Dreamers is not high. A recent Harris poll showed 58% oppose a shutdown over Dreamers. That same poll had 77% support for a path to citizenship.
My brother’s first car was a teal and plum ‘85 short bed Chevy. I wish I had photo.
The North Koreans build a pretty and (very) deep subway. And it’s quite efficient for the top 5% of loyal party members that are allowed to use it!
Every major city’s master plan must have a Calatrava designed structure. You can’t be one of the cool kids until you get one. Duh.
He’s not on the ticket. He doesn’t stand a chance trying to primary Paul Ryan.
It’s a better deal than the alternative.
It has teething problems. Many airframes have had similar issues.
Notice that date. 2014. But the F-35 is where you were really wrong.
This is a really poor characterization of the F-35 program. It is not intended to replace the F-22, it’s intended to augment the F-22. It’s primarily a replacement for the F-16 in the Air Force, and older F/A-18s in the Navy.
I had several of the illustrated Jane’s guides as a kid. Most of them were so worn they were separating from the binding.
Thanks for this. It reminds me of some tweets I saw during Trump’s inauguration where people were reporting tanks were rolling through the streets near some of the protests. It turns out those “tanks” were lightly armored SWAT trucks that were (appropriately) providing security.