Raging Bulldog Jr.

I’m with you. There are teething troubles, but if you look back at some of our best current and former aircraft, they had teething troubles too. And none of them were this complicated.


Even if he only has bruises and scratches, he’s gonna want something prescription strength to help him the next day. He’s gonna be sore as hell.

Since the thoracic cavity contains your lungs and heart, if his stomach empties into it he’s got some major issues.

Radial engines make plenty of sense for aircraft. They’re air cooled, can run with multiple cylinders damaged, and they’re relatively low volume.

What I’ve always been curious about is once the safety net is gone and everyone gets UBI, what happens when some people inevitably spend irresponsibly and require assistance?

Any idea why they went with a radial in the first place? My guess is durability and simplicity, but I really have no idea. I would think cooling would be an issue.

Most Shermans had 9 cylinder radial engines. I’d like to see someone fit that into a Mustang.

Tanks prefer dirt roads over asphalt.



The “bullet button” was a magazine locking device that converted removable magazines to fixed magazines, requiring a tool to remove. That way you could still use you removable magazines and didn’t have to turn them in. But recent legislation also made that illegal.

I know you’re just yelling into the void, but you do realize that you’re calling over half the country “basically a nazi at heart”.

You do realize that the US has one of the most open immigration systems in the world. If your girlfriend tried to get a visa to Canada, it would be far more difficult. Don’t even think about a permanent visa to Europe.

Do you really think that since the GOP has the House, Senate, and the Presidency (sort of), and got a judge on the Supreme Court, that there should be riots?

Russia is giving them a run for their money.

Don’t bother responding to what I said, just call me ignorant. That’s going to work really well.

Israel’s primary motivation is to limit Hezbollah, which is a more significant threat to them than ISIS. The US Coalition’s primary motivation is to defeat ISIS, and also to prevent the use of chemical weapons against civilians (or anyone else).

“There is no finding common ground with people that refuse to even listen to what you have to say.”

If you sincerely believed in country over party, you wouldn’t make comments like “that jackass Republican deserves to be dead”.