Raging Bulldog Jr.

Mine is broken too.

Who are you calling you people?

Starred for “y’all some stalker-y bishes”

I didn’t mean to insult his eminence! How to I pay for my misdeeds?

At what point is it okay to ban speaking about something? Restrictions on free speech are going to harm more than just the privileged. I’m genuinely interested in discussion. What would you consider appropriate to ban?

I’m a pretty ardent supporter of free speech. The ability to criticize anyone or anything without fear of punishment is a very powerful tool. Sometimes it is used to harm others, but more often than not it’s used for good. It’s an ability we take for granted in modern society.

Defining what speech should be hate speech and what of that should be illegal is the problem.

I’m simultaneously curious and afraid of what Dennis Rodman smells like.

A US drawdown would shift all kinds of situations. The Chinese may get bolder, the Japanese wouldn’t be happy, and would also likely get bolder (to counter the Chinese).

Well I mean at that point your basically drowning the poor person.

Waterboarding doesn’t actually cause any physical harm, other than extreme stress.

Escalate what? If the Russians say they’re going to shoot down US aircraft, I hope we’re prepared for when they do.

I honestly don’t think they would manage to shoot down a US fighter, especially after a threat like this. US pilots are going to be watching over their shoulders very carefully. I would bet we have F-22s flying passive-sensor only sorties high above everything else, watching the whole situation and waiting.

Most of the SDF fighters around Raqqa are Kurds. They are not Islamic fundamentalists.

This was my initial thought as well. There is an entire US marine artillery detachment probably 50-100 miles away (north of Raqqa). My guess is we have a significant SOF presence advising the SDF along the western edge of Raqqa.

The SDF forces in and around Raqqa are mostly Kurdish, or Arabs that are friendly with Kurds. I think we’ll end up seeing a Kurdish dominated autonomous region or actual nation in the area northeast of the Euphrates.

Ok Mr. Gatsby. If you say so.

Thanks for the info. I made an incorrect assumption.

I made an educated assumption based on my own experience, which turned out to be incorrect after I did some research.

Even the two cops that took down the DC shooter?