Raging Bulldog Jr.

This was almost definitely human error. I’m sure we’ll find out more details later. I’m seeing reports that the Fitzgerald was at full reverse when they collided, so there was an attempt at least to avoid collision. Apparently the captain was injured in his cabin, and the seven missing are likely in one of the flooded

I think the nighttime conditions had a lot to do with it.

I think the schedules and late penalties of merchant vessels are superseded by the serious security situation around Japan due to North Korean missile activities. The Fitzgerald is an Aegis-equipped destroyer, the very ships that should be tasked with shooting down any NK missiles that threatened Japan. We still don’t

That’s very true, but my point still stands. Naval vessels should only have to evade in emergency situations. It’s possible there was some confusion in addition to nighttime conditions. There may not be much room to maneuver in that area, there could have been fog, someone on watch could have been mistaken about

I’m saying the policy of naval vessels having the right of way is not a product of arrogance, it’s a way to minimize risk to the vessel.

I suspect there are plans in place to get very involved very rapidly when Raul kicks the bucket. In any case, within 15-20 years I’m willing to bet Cuba will be a pretty close partner like they were before Fidel. There are probably a lot of Cuban Americans willing to invest massive amounts of money to help modernize

Warship for sale as-is:

I think the entire concept is flying right over your head.

Or a spider in the wheel!

It’s the proximity that makes it such a priority. And Raul has started a shift towards liberalization, a few steps at a time.

It’s not about being arrogant, it’s about mitigating risk to a combat vessel.

No naval vessel is going to be okay with some random merchant vessel restricting it’s freedom of movement. It increases the risk of nefarious “merchant” vessels forcing a navy ship into an ambush.

Travel is restricted to prevent Americans from only visiting for tourism (which would be increasing revenue for the government). The Cuban government is still pretty oppressive to anyone that is suspected of criticizing the regime. I think the idea is to pressure the Cuban government into more reforms while minimizing

Trump did not write this policy. McMaster and Rubio did. It really isn’t that different from Obama’s policy. The main difference is that US companies won’t be able to do business with Cuban entities owned by the Cuban military, which for some reason owns a bunch of hotels and tourist destination stuff. Cuban Americans

Just so you know, I live in Louisiana. I do not live in a liberal bubble.

It’s not okay to dehumanize anyone simply because you disagree politically.

“They’re not humans by any definition of a human being. They’re ids, they are remorseless, incapable of compassion or basic human decency.”


My preferred Kerbal method is to have two launches, lander and command capsule, then dock them in LKO and then head to the Mun.

Plaid is what people in North America call tartan, which specifically refers to the familiar pattern. A plaid to people in Scotland is a blanket or the traditional Scottish shoulder cloak with a tartan pattern.