I had this same thought along with: How will drivers license photos work.... serious question...
I had this same thought along with: How will drivers license photos work.... serious question...
Some people just REALLY want to get out of Detroit.
This is so dumb. We have an electoral college, so candidates campaign around that. If it was a popular vote the campaign trail would look dramatically different. So, we have no idea who would have won a popular vote, if that’s what mattered.
wait hold up I thought you just googled a picture of “old hipster” but this is ACTUALLY THE JOURNALIST YOU GUYS. yikes.
To pen an authentic and intellectual cinema review – the kind worthy of publication in America’s snootiest airport magazine – one must remember to include countless, such as it were, asides and clauses, seemingly without a purpose other than rendering one’s prose an inarticulate gruel of half thoughts, all while…
I keep thinking back to my high school English teacher. If I had turned that in as a sentence in an essay, he would have handed it back to me and said “You like to show off? How about you diagram this sentence for the class.”
I have a vague notion but got lost in the mythopoetic stew of shitty writing.
Kind of like Bill Richardson or Federico Pena huh? Oh wait, they were career Democrat politicians with no energy experience so we don’t care about them. They’re one of the “good” guys right?
Rick Perry gets to kick the whole thing off, as he’s now responsible for the design, testing, and production of all nuclear weapons.
The isolationist left is less of a policy position and more of an ideological rejection of policy. My experience debating with such people is they have little knowledge of the details or concern for the rest of the world. It’s really just isolationism, though they scream and say it’s a “neo-con slur!” if you use that…
Let’s be clear, the Syrian Army is more accurately the “Syrian Army”. A large part of the forces are militia troops funded by private Alawi businessmen associate with Assad. They pay better than the actual Army does. Not to mention mercenaries (many of which are Hazara from Afghanistan), Iraqi Hashd forces and…
Thank you, Neville Chamberlain.
Assad’s thugs are carrying out summary executions in the streets and in buildings. There are bodies everywhere of men, women, and kids. Survivors will disappear into the regime’s prisons to be tortured. I’m watching the last Periscope, etc. streams from activists I’ve long admired.
Also, the main holder of US treasury bonds is the US. So if we don’t honor them, we’re the ones that suffer most. Then it tanks the entire world economy.
Aw shucks. Not 35, though, and unlike some people I actually respect the Constitution.
Well, yeah, but that was and is the KMT’s official position (they still got Chiang’s bones sitting in Taoyuan waiting to be repatriated to Zhejiang), and they were perfectly happy to wait it out under what they felt was a continually improving status quo. Evidently the public (a goodly portion of which has never known…