Perry was the governor of Texas for 15 years. Texas is ranked first in energy production, including over twice the wind capacity of any other state. Even if he knows nothing about energy, apparently he knows people that do.
Perry was the governor of Texas for 15 years. Texas is ranked first in energy production, including over twice the wind capacity of any other state. Even if he knows nothing about energy, apparently he knows people that do.
When Tyler Rogoway was writing, this site was known for surprisingly factual and intellectual discussions about military technology and foreign policy.
John Bolton did not suggest Obama was behind a false flag operation. He suggested that the Russians are skilled hackers, and would not leave such an obvious trail, and this could be an attack from another foreign government made to appear to be the Russians. Whether you agree with him or not, it’s disingenuous to put…
The problem is that to lean it out and get it to full production would mean cutting the B model, the STOVL variant. But the B model requirement is arguably what handicapped the design of the A and C models. So if you cut the B model, you get two decent aircraft that could have been much better, and you lose the great…
You could plant an oak tree in the actual ground and probably mitigate more CO2 than would ever be possible in car planter boxes. And it would have the benefit of not adding mass to the vehicle, which would improve efficiency, etc. This is basically a terrible idea thought up by some random product designer who has no…
I bet Rinspeed doesn’t even include a hedgehog.
It’s never gonna be classic Top Gear. I’m just glad we still get to watch Clarkson, Hammond, and May.
My team (go Bulldogs) is playing Navy in the Armed Forces Bowl. We were matched with Navy because it was assumed Louisiana Tech and Navy would be more competitive than us against Army. Looks like the current line is +1 LaTech. Our offense is quite prolific, we’ll easily cover that spread.
The pushback has been swift, and probably more substantial than Trump’s people predicted. Hopefully there’s enough pressure for Trump to realize Tillerson is not the man for the job. With Rudy out and Bolton rumored as Deputy SOS, that leaves Romney as the obvious choice.
This will be the pick that doesn’t get confirmed. There are already GOP senators saying they do not approve. Most GOP congressional leaders recognize Putin for what he is, and do not want a Russian crony in this kind of position.
The fastest and most painless method would be a pneumatic piston to the base of the skull, similar to how cows are killed.
I think time is the problem with CO or most other gases.
Which voters were disenfranchised? Do you know what that word means?
I think the German translation is “attach your sailboat to prevent it from rolling down the hill.”
He’s got a bit of a sketchy past that makes him unpopular in the northern part of the state (he lives in Bossier Parish). In 1988 (while he was running for Congress) he tried to drive down an unfinished part of I-49 and had a wreck that left him with a glass eye. He will forever be remembered for it in North…
I think the Corvettes were given to them by a Houston dealership as a marketing scheme.
I both can and can’t believe you haven’t been brought out of the grays with this comment. I find it troubling when Democrats call themselves the party of reality and then selectively ignore property law and scientific studies that happen to disagree with the end goal.
When you label factual information as propaganda, you are literally creating propaganda. I hope you realize that.
Bakken oil is actually relatively clean. Its API gravity averages around 40 and it’s low sulfur, making it “light sweet crude”, the cleanest and most desirable oil (requires the least amount of refining). This is mostly dolomite and shale oil, which is inherently light (because it formed there). Where did you get your…