Raging Bulldog

Permits tend to go faster in the Permian. Locals have been dealing with oil/gas companies for decades. Many wells are drilled on so called “ranches” that are just acres of scrub brush dotted with hundreds of wells. And Texas regulations are probably much less of a hassle than in PA.

I used to be the guy who built the pad and roads. In the Permian we could go from virgin ground to lining pits in 14 days. It takes longer elsewhere though.

All petroleum products form in shale formations. What we call “conventional” wells for oil/gas are pockets that have seeped up through other layers until they hit an impermeable layer. Or just bubble up out of the ground (those locations are long gone).

I worked in the Permian for about a year and left right as things were winding down. They started changing lots of things to improve efficiency. Previously a pad would have one or two well stakes (optional well locations), now they’re building “mega-pads” with a dozen optional locations. They can move the rig 100ft

Her Highness is truly infallible. God save the Queen.

He’s a Libertarian. I highly doubt he admires Trudeau.

Not only that, but he was asked who he “admires”. Weld ended up saying Merkel, who is maybe the only remotely acceptable leader for a Libertarian to admire. I think Gary was digging for a former leader on purpose and just came up short. It was a lose lose question. Had he said Trudeau (who most on this site are

Haha this is very true. Gorillas have tiny penises (like under 2 inches erect). Humans win the penis contest, chimps win the testes contest.

Our coming demographic shift will solve our employment problems. As the Boomers retire the service industry (both medical and otherwise) will have a massive surge in labor demand. Manufacturing is going the way of automation. But there will be plenty of jobs to be had elsewhere.

That’s an absurd assessment of the modern US economy. See NO’s comment above.

Manufacturing is changing. America is not going to return to a romanticized version of the 1960s.

Trump’s performance was abysmal. But if Hillary had the sniffles and someone brought up cocaine, most Jezebel readers would be screaming.

LSU is not in North Louisiana.

I’m not a cop. I don’t know any racist cops.

You’re bigoted because you make hasty assumptions about individuals based on very little factual information. And you’re applying that assumption to an entire group.

Nope. I won’t try to say you’re a racist, but you are a bigot.

Is this the “jacked up, inbred asshole” you’re referring to?

SHHH. Your facts are not welcome. Johnson must be silenced, lest he pose a threat to her Greatness!

Would James May be willing to fly on the first Blue Origin human flight?

Conservation still works even of you cross state lines. Do you have any idea how much money from hunting licenses and organizations goes to population control and even wetland conservation efforts?