
Dishonest Donnie

Based on the deposition video that was going around awhile ago that’s not always the case. He didn’t, or at least claimed to, not know the specifics of the lease under dispute and said he couldn’t look it up in the copy in front of him because he didn’t have his reading glasses.

I’m a desperate man.

My ex-wife worked in medical management. One group of bariologists she worked for were a couple of guys from Tennessee who went to med school in Grenada. One of these knuckleheads had his certificate from passing the English test that Dr’s from foreign colleges have to take in order to get a license here hanging on

Ahrgh! You had to mention the ketchup on steak thing. I’m about to take my son out for a birthday steak dinner.

It’s called sundowning.

So... A Corvette then.

As it turns out his former chief of staff is now a lobbyist for Santander. Santander is currently under the scrutiny of the CPFB for thier practices in the sub-prime auto loan business and GAP insurance.

If I remember right he’s one of them eye-talians so not really white though.

I’m always checking the seat of actors in movies to see if they really ride but never though to do it for this asshole. I always turn to my son and talk about what a jackass he is rather than pay attention to how he’s riding the horse. Now I have to actually watch it on purpose.

Per the rules they can’t use cars from the current year, the 3 years prior to the current year, or the upcoming year for demonstrations. They’re also limited to a demonstration tire that’s probably a step harder than the current hard spec for the series.

In hopes that maybe people aren’t as horrible as they seem to be. Could it be that those who said they’re more likely to vote for Moore feel that way is because they believe that the charge is untrue and therefore deserve their vote due to his persecution?

Not that this makes things any better. But think this isn’t so much pedolphilia as it is an insecure man wanting to find an inexperienced girl to groom into an obiediant wife.

Will it stand up bass?

I first read “gross cock” as “glass cock” and thought that “transparent dildo” is an apt description of Hannity.

“Hannity: How do you possibly tell, know the truth?”

Ha! The race I was talking about was this years Marine Corps. I’m not prone to cramps so I didn’t know where this one came from and then woke up Monday with a cold that most likely came from a coworker bringing his sick kid in to work about a week before.

Not only that but it only takes one little thing on race day to go wrong and you come away with nothing after months of training targeted at that one event.

The Feds probably had enough to nail Flyn when he was dismissed by Obama but it was more useful to let him carry on and lead them to bigger fish. That he moved on to become part of the Trump campaign, and later administration, was the gift that kept on giving.

Pretty sure any elected official can be impeached.