
Except that, a porn actor is doing something the vast majority of our society would be incredibly ashamed of if their kid decided to embark on that career.

Cute generalization, but if you hung around a while you’d know that feminists are quite divided on the subject of porn, and have been for a long, long time.  It’s not hypocrisy, it’s more than one voice.

But what does your comment have to do with whether a porn actress (and sex worker, which is an important qualifier in this scenario) should come to a college campus and discuss consent and the negative effects of believing porn sex is real sex?

These people elected Donald Trump as their leader. They have no credibility as any moral authority forever and ever, amen.

Conservatives need to fucking accept that people who act in porn are actors, real people who have a job, and not tainted literally-demonic succubi who will destroy the lives of their young men and impressionable young women if you let them get in the same damn room.

Getting married to anyone that you haven’t fucked or lived with first is a big risk. There are MANY potential relationship dealbreakers that are not exposed until those two things happen     

Bad sex is a thing! Many, many years ago when I was an Evangelical Christian - I thought sex would develop naturally after marriage. That we would grow together in that regard. Well, something developed- now I am an ex Christian with an ex husband.

It is. I am divorced after 20+ yrs...love living alone. Got a doggie.

Another old here. I am stunned that people of a certain age get married. Should Mr.Oggy shrug off his mortal coil after donkey’s years of wedded bliss, I would be devasted, obviously, then totally embrace single personhood. No cooking, no cleaning, movies whenever I want, and maybe an occasional friend with benefits

I knew Meg Ryan had gotten divorced from Quaid but hadn’t realized she’d been single for 17 years. Wow.

I’m sure it’s just the pose, but God, Lindsay’s arms look thin!

Literally the ONLY thing I know about Legend is that he’s married to Chrissy Teigen. I couldn’t name a single one of his songs at gunpoint. 

IMO he’s been wearing what used to be the Black Eyed Peas’(Fergie years only ) world championship belt of overrated-hate-able-ness since around 2010.

Dax Sheppard seems to get asked about Kristen Bell a lot, but that makes sense and seems like a bit of an outlier.

Because we are in Hell.

A couple months ago, after seeing my abusive ex at a show we were at, I told my husband about his raping me almost 20 years ago. It was the first— and only— time I had said the words outloud. I have been with my husband for over 15 years. Hell, it took me over a decade to even admit to myself that what happened with

Did he had to leave his home and go into hiding, like Christine Blasey Ford? 

Yeah he’ll be tattered straight to confirmation.

You just know he’s sizing them up for future assault.

“Trump hit rock bottom today. He couldn’t possibly go any lower, right?”