
Okay, so can we get a promise from Jezebel not to tank her and Biden both with the “Kamala is a cop” stuff?! Lots riding on this ticket, folks.

She does speak some truth though. He was a johnny come lately to the Democratic party, just to self servicingly win the presidency, who then complained that he wasn’t treated like a long standing member. His tepid endorsement of Hilary followed by his bros spouting “Never Hillary nonsense certainly didn’t help her

I had an abortion at 20 weeks for a chromosomal abnormality and I cannot imagine having to go through it in a state that refuses to treat women like human beings. I made the decision based on conversations with my OB and a doctor who specializes in chromosomal abnormalities. They were able to give me the information I

So you’re saying that the most effective protest would be to give up her global platform, the enormous stage that magnifies her protest so people can actually see it the world over, and generate converation.

As that uncle, let me say there are worse fates.

With not paying taxes, ripping people off, and committing some light extortion, he seems as qualified as the current president. 

Depressingly, given who the current occupant the assessment would seem to be about right.

I don’t know if a single Michael Avenatti could be a considered “a bunch of people.”

They should have been taken away when she made ‘sgetti’ with sugar.

Be best, Melanie.

I understand not knowing leaders all over the world, but wouldn’t the hours or days before an event like this be filled with prep, looking at pictures and memorizing names and such? Especially for the first lady, whose “job” is to host guests at the white house.

Surely by now pro-lifers are up in arms over this...

He literally described himself as an Independent in that press release the other week saying that he was going to give a response to the SOTU in addition to the Democratic response.

For as much as he talks about this monolithic The People, Bernie sure does seem to only view himself as the one who should lead it...


The Catholic Church paid a Catholic investigator to investigate Catholics accused of bad behavior. They said everything was A-OK. Who could imagine such an outcome?!? It’s not like the Catholic church has ever covered up bad behavior by their members before...

After seeing what Cosby got away with for so many decades, even after being ‘exposed’ and ‘cleared of wrongdoing’, and after having a great many powerful people covering up for him, and how rotten the truth was when it was finally allowed to come out— Jackson’s case absolutely NEEDS to be reexamined.

Just because Cory wasn’t abused doesn’t mean other weren’t. That is the “Well I knew him and he was always a nice guy” narrative. Totally meaningless. Just because you weren’t abused, doesn’t mean other weren’t.

Screw them. I have seen it and it is not just Catholic but also Baptist, and I am sure there are more. This abuse of power tostop care” they don’t like and to use their size and relationships to even control what people who may work there can do outside is very dangerous. How am I to trust a doctor who is

As a rabidly pro-choice RN working in the OB/GYN world, I genuinely believe helping my patients access a full spectrum of care is my religion. Sadly the only litigious religious organization on this front is the Satanic Temple. I joined them years ago to protect myself should my Catholic employer fire or otherwise