
It makes me shiver thinking about when his nomination was first announced. He presented himself in such a meek, humbled manner. Watching his demeanor slowly unravel reminds me that the worst people in the world are sometimes those who society wants us to believe are the fittest. Imagine if none of this came to light.

Anyone with a smidgen less entitlement would have withdrawn their name by now. This guys a fucking sociopath. A raging drunk sociopath. 


Funny, I’m more scared for his sons that their father is Don Jr.

I’d rather he didn’t get fucked. We don’t need anymore additions to the gene pool from this guy. 

Conservative white women in positions of political power rank nearly at the bottom of the trustworthiness scale, being surpassed in untrustworthiness only by militant male feminists.

As a counter-strategy, I think the Democrats on the committee should have all ceded their time to one member—probably Kamala Harris.

No need to apologize for something no one needs to be sorry for.

60 women from high school have been friends with him for 35 years? I only follow 5 people from high school on Facebook.

“...here’s a signed statement from hundreds of kids that Sandusky DIDN’T molest. So on average, he’s a decent guy.”

On Friday, Senator Chuck Grassley, the Republican who chairs the Senate Judiciary Committee, released a statement signed by more than five dozen women who knew Kavanaugh in high school, which states that “[t]hrough the more than 35 years we have known him, Brett has stood out for his friendship, character, and

There were no old days. There have always been protestors. They have always been disruptive. That’s what they do. That’s what they’re entitled to do. That’s what they’re supposed to do.

Seems likely. Jesus, I cannot believe this world.

Maybe these old days?

What fucking “old days” Is he babbling about?

I have heard that ‘you’ll regret it when you’re older’ line so many times. Or ‘imagine what it’ll look like when you’re 80'. Um, it’ll look like the rest of me, wrinkled and lived-in. I hardly think what I look like will be at the top of my list of things to worry about in old age. I’m already going to be worrying

I was sympathetic for a long time and liked his music, but you know what- fuck him. At the time when he first said it I didn’t feel much but thinking about it now, I’m just raging.

Oh my god, it was SO GOOD. Peter is dreamy, she’s adorable, their house was so cool and her wallpaper was AWESOME. Adding it to my roster of beloved teen movies. 

Absolutely loved this movie, I couldn’t stop grinning the whole time! All the feels for this one - I know a lot of people get thrown off by the fact they’re in high school but as someone in their late 20's I definitely found it easy to relate to and heartfelt