No, arranged marriages are fucking weird, patriarchal bullshit. Glad it’s worked out ok for your family, but they’re really not something to be defended.
No, arranged marriages are fucking weird, patriarchal bullshit. Glad it’s worked out ok for your family, but they’re really not something to be defended.
To be fair, I don’t think it’s that people forget about it. It’s just that they don’t really care.
The Vietnam War is wants a do over based on your argument.
Well, we have Conservatives, not Republicans, and the Conservatives *can’t* overturn this decision.
“The cabbage patch kid who copies the Sex Pistols?”
Billie Joe Armstrong? The cabbage patch kid who copies the Sex Pistols? Also I met Billy Joe and his band at the height of their fame. They were extremely shitty to their fans and are all first class assholes... and I told them that. I’m still proud of it.
Should Mr. Wright have also have donated all the money he made from that book to charity, or is it only women that you think should do work for free?
Thanks, David! Where’s your wife?
“Man, did you watch that show about Scientology? They have some fucked up beliefs!” -Person who eats body and blood of Christ.
Yeah the American embargo didn’t truly hurt the country. Sorry to burst your bubble but the country is poor because of US policies, not because of Castro.
Yet, literacy rates improved from 40% to 99%, and Cuba’s healthcare system became the greatest in Latin America. Fidel was flawed, but a perfect revolution was not possible with a imperialistic superpower living 90 miles away, trying to undermine their efforts at every turn.
natural gas pipeline =/= oil pipeline
Same, dude, same. this is a turning point: if he wins, from now on we can say America is a country of regressive, hateful bigots. Things won’t be the same.
I am an optimist. Many of you who have see me a lot on this site has seen that I constantly try to see other points of view and treat everyone with respect.
I teach in a classroom that is mostly comprised of English language learners. Many from Mexico, several from Syria and Afghanistan, a couple from the Congo. What do I tell them tomorrow? “Sorry, but a bunch of scared white assholes decided that you don’t deserve to go to school without being called names, and maybe…
Where do I sign up to be pushed onto the Subway tracks?
This CANNOT be happening. I’m going to have a heart attack. What is going on with the world? I can’t even bring myself to think he is going to win this thing. Nope, nope, nope, nope, nope, nope, nope, nope.
I’m watching “my” country, which demands I stand up and pledge allegiance to its stupid fucking flag, and stand up when it play its dumbass fucking anthem, which fed me a line of bullshit about american exceptionalism and us being a beacon on a hill basically telling “I hate you” by electing a garbage racist…