
Now the other question is, what printer really has the worst drivers?

No Subaru, either.

Not a single Honda on this list.  Confirms my experience.

Would have made more sense than a lot of people think. Honda is already seen as an upmarket alternative to Nissan. Nissans usually start about 10% to 20% less than comparable Hondas out the door - and they finance anyone with a pulse, sell to fleets, and use scammy sales tactics that Honda won’t do to preserve its

The Trans Am fender vents is the turd on top of this pile of shit. ND.

I drive a Bolt EUV in the Dallas area. I get swerved at or accidentally “drifted” toward by the never ending stream of lifted trucks on the highways here. Those same dudes bought the Cybertruck. I don’t feel bad if they get harassed at all.

Seriously thought that was just a picture of a dumpster for a second.

All of them guilty: Driving too fast for conditions. 

Like it was foggy, but also at least in that video you had enough forward visibility to SEE the pile up and at least get on the brakes to slow down, seemingly NONE of those drivers looked like they slowed down a bit even when close enough to see.

The people getting out of their cars and walking in between the piled up wrecks are giving me anxiety. What the fuck are you doing? You are volunteering as a meat bag bowling pin at that point.

Remember in 2008 when Microsoft tried to buy Yahoo! for $40 billion? But Yahoo! refused, because their management and company was just so (what’s the word?) awesome. And then, just a few years ago, Yahoo! was sold to Verizon for only $4.8 billion?

So normally I would come on here and call conservatives a bunch of pejoratives, but I’ve had a number of social media interactions that make me think perhaps people legitimately don’t understand how economics and government budgets work. So this is going to be a rare, good-faith attempt from me to explain this stuff

Technically, it’s not inflation, it’s a price increase.

That GOP motto hasn’t applied since Reagan. Since 2015 it’s:

Yeah it’s more of a joke because the slack-jawed yokels keep screaming “drill baby drill!” so we’re not “dependent on foreign oil” but fail to understand that the US is the #1 oil producer in the world and there’s a lot more to the oil industry than just suck it out of the ground and run any old oil through a magic

Theo Moudakis is a Toronto-based editorial cartoonist and freelance contributor for the Toronto Star newspaper.

I like the cut of your jib.

I’m pretty sure there was a presidential candidate who specifically wanted to do something to stop companies from doing this kind of artificial price-gouging... but who’s to say. 

And nobody - NOBODY - raises prices for nonsense corollary reasons like the oil industry. Tidal wave in Philippines? Gas gets more expensive. Russia invades Ukraine? Gas gets more expensive. Gas is too expensive? Gas gets more expensive.

I have a cousin who is A) Wealthy B) Lives in a wealthy suburb that is known for flaunting said wealth C) Exceedingly dumb.