This probably doesn’t count because it’s bass-ackwards of what you asked, but...
This probably doesn’t count because it’s bass-ackwards of what you asked, but...
I had a base model, poverty spec, first gen Kia Sorento. We’re talking stick shift, steel wheel model. It was not a terrible car, but it was far from great, and it slowly fell apart over the years.
The problem is making a small car ain’t cheap. There’s only so far you can get in material savings alone. So the market actually has to value owning a small car (paging city dwellers that want to park), something people don’t do in large numbers in the States.
Uh... these days most grocery stores have either free or very cheap home delivery. Wish it had been like that for my 95 year old grandad because had there been we would have set him up versus him eventually getting T-boned at a red light because he didn’t see it.
The biggest problem with that is the people who wanted this are too stupid to know why things are more expensive. They’ll be blaming Biden/Dems for the next 4 years for anything that goes wrong while praising Trump for anything that goes well in their life. Any real correlation or causation will be completely ignored.
How about Chrysler and Commodore International. So, you can have a company doesn’t make cars and is associated with 20 year old + products combine with a company that doesn’t make computers and is associated with a 40 year old product.
I love it when I find a potential parking space for my relatively diminutive Golf R, only to realize that because of the size of the vehicles on either side and/or the owners’ inability or refusal to park them within the lines, I can’t even fit my hatch in it. I count myself lucky that I have no serious mobility…
Cars used to be lot more interesting. Now, they’re all pretty much indistinguishable EV crossovers, giant pickups, or BMWs.
It would be nice if there was some detail around the engine replacement (who knows, maybe you could track down the shop that did it), but at this price it doesn’t matter- NP.
And yet, countries with incredibly fierce punitive laws still have crime. Granting criminals impunity certainly doesn’t work, but punishment clearly isn’t as much of a deterrent as people think, given that criminal gangs still operate even in countries which still have amputation as a penalty for theft, and public…
Ironically to the point you’re making, Donald Trump and the other rich folks above the law are 100% in favor of making police chases as dangerous and violent as possible. They’d like the police to not just chase these people but open fire on them.
Instead of complaining that he, a very rich man, has to pay a whole $9 to drive to see his kids, he could instead contemplate the factors that contributed to his children living, you know, elsewhere.
You’re looking at it from the wrong direction. The news isn’t about someone popping out a dent.
Easy nice price. Dare I say it, these fox body mustangs are classics to Gen X in the same way that the 64 mustangs are to boomers. This is a very nice price for a clean Time Machine that you could cruise as is or build out (hopefully tastefully) into a more performance inclined machine.
On the one hand, the average worker everywhere needs to take this moment to push back hard for their rights as the billionaires all fly in to kiss the ring and the Trump administration loads up the government with grifters (while does nothing to avoid self enrichment). In a time where CEOs are getting more protection…
Shockingly, Amazon is pointing the finger at the Teamsters for this dispute.
Finally, a late-model Porsche drops in value.
I expected a limited set of comments for this topic, but I did not expect “play by comment Battleship” which is all I can read this one as.