
This game sounds like it could be a lot of fun. As long as the controls are great. I love the Resident Evil series but it's controls have never been it's strongest feature. Which is fine in slower paced single player settings. Not so much in multiplayer.

Absolutely agree with you. As much as I enjoyed New Vegas, FO3 is still vastly superior to it.

I'm semi looking forward to this game. I loved Twisted Metal, it's first sequel and Black. The other games weren't as memorable. This trailer brings back some great memories playing 2 with friends. Ah, nostaglia...

I'm very happy to see my entry made the cut. My personal favorite entries are the Tron and Say Anything spoofs. Brilliant.

That's a really good deal. I'm slowly making my way through DA:O. I like it quite a bit but I'm not as blown away by it as I've been by past Bioware titles. Still, I like it enough to eventually buy the sequel. If I didn't already own ME2, I would take advantage of this immediately. Mass Effect 2 for free?

Well this is good news. For me, anyhow since I couldn't afford to buy it when it first came out. Now if I could just get a deal on the keyboard peripheral I'll be golden.

One of my favorites in the series. I'm not sure I'll buy it though since I still have my copy of FFAnthology.

Free you say? I like the sound of that.

Agreed. He could tone it down just a tad.

Nice video. I'm actually pretty interested in this game now. I really didn't know anything about this game until now. When I eventually get a 3DS I believe this is what I'll be picking up with it.

God damn is that a cool nickname. I don't think I could get away with it but if I could I would refer to myself in the third person as tri-force from this day forward.

I thought that my owning two copies was a bit much. I was wrong.

I still have my original Gameboy and it's carrying case. I used to have some of those crazy accessories but those have been lost over the years.

Wasn't Wesker in RE4 briefly? Part of Ada's story anyway.

Is it too much to hope that it's 2D ala the original? RCR was a favorite as a kid and I had a blast playing Scott Pilgrim last summer.

Truth. I loved my Gameboy but the view angle was pretty strict. That being said it didn't interfer much with years of greenish yellow & black shaded entertainment!

10, 6 off sure is garbage but at least there's a straight possibilty.

I really want one. The closer to it's release the more tempted I am to preorder one. The only thing holding me back, besides the price, is my lack of interest in the launch titles. I think if I got one at launch I'd just end up buying Pokemon Black and Okamiden.