
Well, of course it's completely possible. That's why the hoax worked so well and spread across twitter and the rest of the interwebz so quickly. When the 2004 Tsunami happened it was Jet Li who was the focus of similar rumors. I'm not claiming I knew for a fact it was a made up story but it sure sounded fishy.

Glad to hear this was just a hoax. Really figured as much. This story had the cornerstones of a hoax: creator of popular game that just had a recent release dies in tragedy mere days later. Sounded made up.

Dragon Age: Milo

D'oh! I didn't make the cut! Great selections though. My personal favorite being Einstein Joker followed by Tesla.

Already have two copies of the game (N64, Gamecube) and I'll definitely buy this one. OoT isn't my absolute favorite in the series (the distinction belongs to Link to the Past) but it's high up there.

As an X-Files fan, I love the analogy used above. It fits.

Yeah, how dare they make a profit selling things at a price people are willing to pay. Bastards.

That's right! Hooray!

Nothing inparticular lately. Today mostly consisted of listening to some Elton John (whom I'm seeing in concert later in the week), Blackfield, Alberta Cross and a little bit of Squeeze.

Excellent choices!

@Kovitlac Agreed. I'm tired of bad 3-D. My wallet and eyes could use a break.

Sure sounds like GTA to me. I welcome a return to San Andreas, or at least to Los Santos.

I like this addition. I never finished Master Quest on GC so I suppose this is a bonus reason to eventually have a third copy of Ocarina of Time.

Answer: Evil incarnate, knows way too much about the Magna Carta. Question: What is Mother Watson!?

PotUSA! Wow, that's flashback to Jr. High. Glad to see they're still around, doing their thing.

The uniforms don't really bother me. Nazi ties or not, those black suits are quite stylish. I'm a lot more offended by their terrible haircuts.

Meh. They are without a doubt bad movies but they are entertaining in a "bad B-Movie" sort of way. I think only the second movie was really awful. The rest were simply excuses to see zombie shenanigans.

I don't completely understand the seething hatred either. I still like the COD series. Sure, the last few game's campaign modes haven't been as good as COD4. Hell, I still think the second game is the best in the series. But the more recent games have still been a lot of fun. Multiplayer is still pretty fun as

This game is pretty much the main reason I desperately need to upgrade to a new PC in the near future. (my current rig is a bit aged to put it kindly)

I have a love/hate relationship with DLC. I love the fact games can have more missions added later on. Expansions have been a part of PC gaming seemingly forever and now this past generation it's been widely more possible for console games to add content post release. DLC expansions like RDR's Undead Nightmare or