
I want Defector to post this over on their site, loved this post.

Doesn't matter.  It's just good when he's miserable.

If you have to ask...


Initial reaction: Oh god, no.

Stopped believing there is any chance of a beneficent God in this universe, anyway.

It's really close between them and the Village People.

Honestly feels like a metaphor for the Russian invasion a little.

Larry: No Way Home.

This current iteration of it is, yes.

So much of the right wing kultur angst is still just backwash from the sixties.  And apparently some of it is still reaction to the New Deal.  

A very horny Trivial Pursuit edition actually isn’t the worst idea.

No thanks at all for your service!

Who’s a good post? Who’s a good post? Good blog!

I feel real bad about this latest wave of departures.

Joan, I've enjoyed your work and am sorry to see you go.  

One of my favorite authors is R A Macacoy.  Again,initials, but a photo was included her first published works.  She's mostly fantasy or fantasy-adjacent but I love all her books I've encountered bar one, and I can't think of anyone her style reminds me of.

Drummer vs Marcos was a fierce-eyeliner battle for the ages and I loved every second of it from her opening line of the encounter.  

I want - need - an episode where Drummer just finally kills the shit out of a bunch of these fools.

Terrible food.  Brilliant, excellent post.  Thank you.
