
“Hey, Bart! Did you hear? Nipples and bush are back... in pog form!”

6 words now according to his speech in Nevada.

What exactly a “holy war” against Swift would entail is unclear.’ I’ll put a couple bucks down on it including multiple ill-conceived, performative and violent attempts by the assholes to un-listen to her songs.

Support Luna’s opponent Whitney Fox for Congress!

Brian Cox is in this series? As superhero?

It’s very promising that all the negative reviews are along the lines of “Too much Echo, not enough Daredevil or Kingpin.” Oh really, the title character is the focus of the show, and somehow that offends you?

Yeah, sorry I’m not a fan of that /s thing. 

Show was already getting review bombed before it was even out.

Dam i always thought she was a bad bitch but now im just thinkin she a bad person 😩

I think about how when I found out about Katharine’s OD, I was also in a makeup chair on the set of Uncut Gems. Gianna was there to comfort me then. And when Gianna OD’d, Chris was there to comfort me. And when Chris killed himself, I took comfort in my friendship with Harmony, in those stupid, silly memes we

Hey! He has 2 nepo daughters to make fun of. Everyone (especially donny) always forgets about Tiffany.

Also bodes well for his legal team: This attorney forgot to ask for a trial by jury. That means this judge (that she and Trump have spent weeks publicly vilifying) will determine all damages and guilt on his own.

IMO if they wanna go over 2 hours for any movie, they should just turn it into a tv series. A 3 - 6 episode tv series would be more appealing anyway.

If it’s already loaded, a flintlock will fire pretty fast. It’s the next shot that takes a while. He’s not threatening the whole building, but it still sucks to be the first person he gets mad at.

I too, would simple tackle the mentally unstable person who came into my workplace with a firearm. Like the hero I am.

Just an absolute, all-time cunt, this guy.

Seriously. People still believe he founded Tesla. Or Paypal.

God he fucking sucks so hard. Hey Elon, I wouldn’t put it past you to be reading this, but you’re a socially awkward try-hard nerd who can’t read the room. Fuck off.

He so desperately wants to be seen as an interesting person.