
Amen, and I don’t live in NYC.

Sliced american cheese is just better for some comfort/garbage foods. It just is.  

Wow. That is hands-down the best analysis of Pelosi I’ve ever read. Thanks for that. And you worked in an allusion to Hamlet. 

I just started the series last this point in the show, I find he’s been giving off a lot of Rust Cole energy.

I’ve bookmarked a bunch of the Kinja sites, but now sits where I had my Deadspin bookmark on my browsers.  Thanks.  

Good comment and link, but +1 neutron star for the Niven reference in your Kinja handle.

But all that aside, what did you think of the play, Mrs. Lincoln?

As we’re talking GOP-on-GOP primary violence here, I can only say “well, fuck the both of’em, anyway.”

I think the Don’s ratings with GOP party members are sky-high only when polling is about issues where the Democrats or the left are on the other side of things. I suspect that in a GOP primary, he may not have as

There is that, too. I think they fear their base, but I think they fear’em more than they need to (I’m talking state pols and congresscritturs).

Obviously, a big chunk of the GOP base was in line with a big chunk of the electorate generally, in that they were desperate to get away from the neocon/neolib centrist

His error is that...they’ve got Kavanaugh, and a buch of other judges, and a big tax cut. What do they need him for now?  Especially now that’s he’s just shitting himself live on camera every day.  Time to cut him loose.

Hopefully the ambulance didn’t get stuck in Traffic. 

+1 smallpox blanket.


Fuck, I tried this gag in a reply far further upthread but you beat me to it and I didn’t realize.

The Fucking Nitpickers will rock your ass off, though. 

That’s the best thing I’ve seen all weekend.

I’m Curie-ous as to why so many people seem to like that sort of thing. 

Meh. I find these pun-centric threads a bit of a bohr.

What the 49'ers really need is just someone to Give’em Shelter. As it is, their whole situation is kinda Shattered.

This needs WAY more stars.

And now Drew’s circle once more is complete,