
My teenage white girl self didn’t have the depth or life experience to see it from that perspective- I just thought Dionne was cooler than Cher and wished the movie was more about her. Dionne had more self-confidence, didn’t take crap from her boyfriend, never whined (which Cher did constantly), and had cooler

I’m stoked, but I’m usually let down when I’m stoked, so I’m wary.

Dionne was a game changer for me, because I always felt like the center of my social universe not a lackey to the “real” popular girl and she brought it worldwide. I often wished Clueless had been half Cher’s perspective and half Dionne’s.

Yeah, I loved The Man from UNCLE, but Cavill is definitely not Bond material.

 Yes, exactly.

Dude, Clueless came out the summer before I went away to college. I was super happy to have learned about Dionne and her hair, because my roomie was Black with awesome hair and I felt like I could contribute to the conversation. Spoiler alert: I was lame and she told me so, but then educated me thusly. She was

Was just about to mention Atomic Blonde - that has the look of a great franchise.

Mostly heard that term when diving into the trash pile that are anime fans (of the right leaning variety, if you know what i mean). Refers to a cute male (or “male”) character “disguising” themselves as girls to “lure” straight men (as the viewers presumably are) into homosexuality (that’s why they’re called “traps”).

Yeah, it’s pretty awful, not anything a decent person needs to know.

the clip with him and joe budden fighting about being happy is so fucking funny. especially when someone on twitter was like ‘joe cant even imagine being happy’ lol

My only source on this is a Delhi-born banker boyfriend, but from the movies he showed me, there’s a huge pool of talent there for taking if anyone wanted to audition the actors. I’ve seen some great performances in movies that weren’t necessarily my style. And in many of those performances, I ended up giving a damn

ooh, i forgot about matchbox 20

there are quite a few British Asian people with non-Asian Professional names tough. Like Ben Kingsley for example (born Krishna Pandit Bhanj) or Ismail Merchant (born Ismail Noor Md Abdul Rahman) or Freddie Mercury (Farrokh Bulsara). And plenty of Asian people have grown up and lived in Scotland for ages. Also, the

I love Craig as Bond, but even more I love Interview Zero Fucks Given Craig, so I’m really looking forward to the press tour.

Hold on, she’s 52?

Sure it would! There’s already canon adoption into the Bond family. So no reason a kid from one one of the old colonies or commonwealth can’t show up in Scotland. And immigration, of course, into the UK, went on for over a hundred years, by blacks and Asians of all types.

That rumbling sound you hear is a truckload of money backing up to Daniel Craig’s house.

Fuck it, write a new story, give Idris the chance to slay and own a new empire. Nothing against Bond, but it’s so fucking tired to keep asking for people of color to prove their worthiness or talent through something that was never for us to begin with

Is she not allowed to ever get another dog because, despite trying a bunch of things, she couldn’t make it work with her first dog? Maybe these dogs are better suited for her or maybe she learned from mistakes she made with her first dog and will treat these dogs differently?

But... you still don’t know her dog.