
Mine was with a white guy who was considerably older than I am. I was guarded at first but he made me feel safe and beautiful (and not fetishized) and cherished every minute. You know that line in Waiting to Exhale: “Once you get used to being treated well, you can’t go back to bullshit?” He’s that guy, for me. It

Oh my Goooooodddd, same. I kept itching for them to bang, and then: nothing.

I think, now that I’ve read a number of replies to this article, I can kind of shed some light on the subject from a man of color’s perspective on dating white women and why the assumption of the pinnacle of the American Dream is to get that white woman is false. We have the academic and the personal, two different

“Is it the fame and money?”

His wife was dead by the time he started siring children with Sally Hemmings her half-sister.

Great breakdown, rad.

This one is still ok, right?

i’m south asian, and while i’m not disputing that african americans are treated inhumanely in this country, this isn’t oppression olympics and it’s not a competition. it’s not fair to compare what’s happening to black americans to asian americans; they are not the same.

Thanks for the heads-up. I hadn’t read many of the other comments yet, and his reply sounded just like a regular question. Next reply will be summarily dismissed.

Great points! None of my non-Asian friends understand my reluctance to travel internationally. After multiple stressful experiences at the Canadian border, international travel seems intimidating. My white friends never have to worry about being treated like they might not be Americans when they are traveling.

The article seems to be criticizing the same colonial mindset that causes Asians to punch down the racism scale. That belief that we can achieve white privilege by winning white love is dangerous and can trick us into acting as enforcers of white supremacy. Ishmael Reed wrote a great book, “Japanese By Spring”, that

Girl, I was gonna type the EXACT SAME thing. This article could’ve been written about a black woman! We have been going through this FOREVER. It’s sad that this is a common theme against all women of color. SMDH

No. You dumb shit. The correct term for the Victim of a Rapist is “Victim”. There is no grey here. Jesus fucking nutballs.

Goddamn Harvey Levin and that fucking cup, I swear.

I’m not going to finish it

You like paid leave? You like employee-sponsored health benefits? You like workplace safety? You like 40-hour maximum weeks without being fired?

Okay, I’m rambling.

Ben’s in love again? I’m all shook up.

You should post this to the SE Asian authors (nonsensically, since this is Kumail’s actual life, whether other quibbles against him or warranted or not) pissed off it’s being portrayed at all.

Huh. My high school was over half Asian, the rest mostly white, very few Dominican kids, and even fewer Black kids. There was very little interracial dating - not even much inter-ethnic dating (like, Korean girls DID NOT date Chinese boys) - but one of the cutest boys in school, a boy whose parents were from Korea,