
But everyone you list here is talented and has proven themselves in their chosen medium - acting or music (except for Kate Hudson and Jaden Smith, in my opinion). But look at the latest crop of ‘supermodels’ - they were all ugly children of celebrities, got a shit tonne of plastic surgery, and voila! Modelling

They like anti-regulation except when it comes to women’s bodies.

“I pray that God leads our leaders”

Exactly, wealth is built on exclusiveness it in no way is inclusive.

I commented upstream about another book on this subject, “We Could Not Fail” which contends that desegregation in the south was a goal of Johnson’s. The book asserts that they believed that they could crack southern racism somewhat if they forced integration at the level of government jobs.

There’s also a book about the African American men who worked at NASA (We Could Not Fail) and there’s some common ground here. I had just finished reading David Halberstam’s “The Children” (about the people who populated the early sit-ins and marches) before reading “We Could Not Fail” and Halberstams’ book is so

I’m done reaching out and letting “love trump hate”. I’m sick of that slogan. These motherfuckers don’t deserve love. They don’t love anyone but the “good white Christian brother or sister” and “America”.

I like to check Foxnews.com every so often just to see how they spin the Banana-in-Chief’s idiocy.

exactly. i am done trying to appeal to them. I will concentrate on the progressives that have been disillusioned by the political process. We need to focus on the energy felt right now and if we stay on message, that we are the party of the working class, not just white working class, but for all americans, then we

Hey, enough with the vitriol. This is all great news.

And this is the thing I HATE about America, that we don’t mercilessly shame people for begin stupid or ignorant. People should feel embarrassed to be ignorant in this country. Instead, they are proud of it, they embrace it, they wallow in it, that call intelligent or educated or informed people who can articulate

My favorite rationalization for Trump voters is, “They aren’t bad people, they just thought they could save a little on their property taxes,” which... property taxes aren’t federal. I guess when the housing market crashes, they may save some money when their $500K house is revalued at $20. Also, how is it less evil

I’m not convinced there were any ‘tricked’ Trump supporters... just people who are trying to rationalize their support of fascism and oppression.

Trump wants his staff to dress better??? He’s an overweight slob in an ill-fitting suit with his tie hanging down to his crotch and a dead animal stuck to his head. I don’t think he’s in a position to be giving out style tips.

To all the liberals who had the audacity to think that Hillary Clinton would have been just as bad as Trump. Fuck you very much.

Totally an aside, but I am so fucking tired of dudes telling women how they should behave or appear or whatever to appeal to men. I’m a queer woman (pansexual is probably the most accurate description of my sexuality, though I’ve wavered on my gender in the past), and I’ve had so many fucking men (white,

The real bathroom incident in the book happened to Mary Jackson, and a white male engineer did intervene for her. I don’t think he integrated all the bathrooms, though. It’s been a while since I read it (and I haven’t seen the movie yet due to lack of babysitting... grrr!) but what I remember is he hired her onto her

Yes! The real story is that the woman played by Taraji says she simply refused to use the colored bathrooms. She defied the rules and always used the white bathrooms. How powerful would it have been to see her make that decision? To see a surprised white woman checking her hair in the mirror or something? They