
I have watched that movie probably 20 times, which is something I haven’t done since I was a kid. Love love love it.

I smoke pot in the evening to help fall asleep (doctor’s recommendation after learning that I sleep 2-4 hours normally and other medications didn’t work), and it’s my go-to movie when I find myself unable to sleep anyway. Which means that I watch it a lot.

Came here to say the same thing. Clover is brilliant.

I randomly put it on one afternoon as background noise while I did laundry. I hadn’t heard much about it and figured it must have only been so-so. 

Budget was only $65M and they cleared more than $200M, IIRC, so it did really well. But, yes, it should’ve made more — it was wayyyy better than my expectations.

So... no Spy show? Damn.

The day Joe Biden wept.


You’d have to offer a very attractive financial incentive to get CA residents to move to any of those states. In spite of the exorbitant cost of housing in many areas, traffic and high taxes, the pluses still outweigh the minuses for a lot of people there.

As a Californian, I will say we also have amazing Asian cuisines. Dim Sum? Sushi? Ramen? Pho? Thai? You want it, we got it. And it’s all delicious.

It’s ALWAYS the left’s fault. That is talk radio’s #1 meme.

/also, “funner” isn’t a word.

I remember talk radio somehow blaming the OKC bombing on Clinton.

I work within a 5 minute walk from the Oklahoma City Bombing memorial.

I encourage everyone to read up on Timothy McVeigh’s political ideology.

He was a white nationalist, isolationist, 2nd amendment enthusiast, distrustful of big government. He and Michael Fortier drew up the diagrams of how they would blow up the OKC

There are these surveys about rape that show while only very few men say they ever raped anyone if you describe typical rape scenarios lots more say they did do that. So yes, majority of rapists don’t see themselves that way.

Well, there are some rich, white, wealthy women who aren’t too worried. At least, not yet.

The part where he said “bad hombres” again and while talking to Peña Nieto is one of those things that both sounds like it should be reason to think it’s made up but also sounds exactly like it’s something that is not remotely unbelievable at all.

it is private property “under a 19th century treaty.”

You think wrong. Not the same type of policy or the same type of problems. Conflict theory in particular is extremely important for a US SecState because of our role globally. Clinton, Kerry, hell even Rice I all trusted to have intelligent people around them with relevant knowledge. Tillerson? I don’t trust him a bit