
Yeah, the thing is, we ALREADY understand them. We looked into their beady eyes and saw racism, sexism, misogyny, xenophobia, and wholesale stupidity and gullibility.

Ah see, I was looking at this all wrong. I should have assumed it was probably investment properties, especially if they’re all over LA. Although another commenter pointed out that they might be separate residences all together like a small compound situation. Since you’re in real estate may I ask, if that’s the case,

Yeah... She’s a better person than I (which is why I was happy to have her in politics & not me).

Oh, no, you misunderstand: many people on the left at this point haaaaate Bernie. The man himself. Hate him. Hate. He’s a dilettante who has done nothing but shit on the Democrats from the left (not just Hillary — remember when he wanted Obama to be primaried in 2012) while actually accomplishing nothing. He’s a

You’ll get shit for this but I 100% agree. He does not articulate his platform well (he can hardly talk about anything other than his stump speech) and he stayed in the race far too long and drove down enthusiasm for Clinton. He is not and has never been a Democrat and I am honestly kind of mad at the DNC for letting


I’ve told this story here before but here goes. Ted Cruz is an utter dick in real life. We lived in the same area and shopped at the same Walgreens. He was with one of his daughters, who was dressed in p.j.’s and crying. He was yelling at her to hurry up. She tripped and fell and he left her behind to go to another

I watched it live and the whole thing was truly bizarre.

Whats even more bizarre about this is that Fredrick Douglass is one of like, 6 black people who you learn about in public school (along with Harriet Tubman, Rosa Parks, MLK, Chrispus Attucks and Dred Scott). Most 8th graders could probably tell you that Douglass isnt exactly a contemporary figure.

Let’s be real: does Donald Trump know Frederick Douglas isn’t the peanut butter guy?

It’s not recognition until all the white people know.

Frederick Douglass died in 1895.

I know I probably shouldn’t have commented on the article at all, but I’m just so sick of the leadership in this country (Bernie Sanders/Ted Cruz included) turning everything into a goddamn reality show where we pick sides, create meme-able sound bites, and turn off critical thinking skills. From the looks of the

What irks me about Bernie is he purposefully spent his entire career spurning the Democrat label despite caucusing and voting with Democrats the overwhelming majority of the time. He purposefully marginalized himself within the Democratic Party by refusing to identify as a Democrat. But then he comes out of nowhere

During the campaign I worked with Bernie’s immediate team. I don’t want to do it again, and rumor had it all the unpleasantness came from the top.

He better not run in 2020; he would be 78 years old! If he really cared, he would endorse or mentor a new crop of democrats. I am wondering if Senator Jeff Merkley of Oregon is planning to run. Also, Elizabeth Warren in a much better choice than Bernie Sanders, if we are going with the old guard.

the person who responded to you immediately below just lost their fucking shit. like, i’m here cackling over how much of an overreaction it was.

Ugh, this isn’t Bernie kicking off a campaign for 2020, right? He’s too old?

Honestly? Yes.